In this project I am building an application to track my daily activities and chores.
Current progress:
-Created an input window, to add activities
-input can be entered either by pressing enter or by clicking on a corresponding button
-created "class Activity"
-created the layout for integrating matplotlib
-Data can now be entered by the user
-Data gets plotted and updated using the matplotlib library
-attempt to integrate the possibility to save and load data. I discovered that there are some issues about the structure of my code, especially with handeling the data. These will be resolved soon.
-Saving and loading data is now possible. The entered data is stored automatically. The next feature I want to integrate will be the option to delete data.
-Temporarily removed the "Add activity" button as it seemed to cause some issues.
-Worked on the possibility to set the times of the activities dynamically. Adjusting the year of the activtiy is now possible, adding this feature for date and time now is trivial
-The application is now fully functional in principle.
-Data can be entered, date and time of the data given can be adjusted and plotted accordingly.
-The data entered will be stored in a .txt file and will load when reopening the application.
-Data currently cant be deleted from inside the application.
Further goals:
--> storing the given data, so that the application can be used as a journal
--> Ability to set time and date of an activity, so that past activities can be entered
--> Ability to manipulate past entrys and delete them
--> Create nicer plots
--> Ability to choose different kinds of plots
--> Ability to see statistics about your entries
--> Introduce a rewarding system
--> Ability to personalize the appearance by the user
--> Ability to set goals
--> Ability to take journaling notes