A python (3.5
) command line interface (CLI) program that displays currently open food trucks in the San Fransisco Area.
The program queries the Socrata API for the San Fransisco dataset Mobile Food Truck Schedules.
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
python3 show_open_food_trucks.py
docker build -t food-truck-finder:latest .
docker run -i food-truck-finder:latest
This simple CLI program, while successfully demostrating proper Socrata API development, leaves much to be needed as a scalable production system. This service is best suited as a browser-based web application. To convert this simple CLI into a scalable app would require a re-write, and ultimately a move from Python to Javascript. This web app could query Socrata API directly from each user's own client browser. My design would use a statically hosted web-page without the need for any additional complex back-end servers. A static site could be hosted on a number of different providers, we can choose between: GitHub Pages, S3 Website, GCP Google Storage, or Heroku. Each provider offers a set of tooling for deploying, monitoring, and controlling the content delivery of our website. For S3 Website, we can also choose to use CloudFront for advance caching and improved delivery. Furthermore, while this static site could be written using vanilla html/javascript, I propose we choose a industry supported UI framework such as ReactJs. ReactJs allows us build a simple and re-usable component driven UI as a single page app. React project setup/management can be simplified by using Facebook's Create React App. To save valuable time, we will choose an existing component library UI toolkit (or one of our companies choosing). There are many to pick: MaterialUI, React Bootstrap, Ant Design, etc.. Any of these libraries will make our website look profession with minimal front-end development effort. I'm most familiar with AWS S3 Website, React, and Material UI, so these would be my personal choices, but any tech should get the done the job well.
- Hosting: S3 Static Website -
- UI Framework: ReactJS Components
- UI Library: Material UI Component Library
- Project Setup: Facebook's Create React App