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A flexible configuration format that supports templated tables and referencing of existing keys.


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Flexi Config Reader

Flexi Config Reader is a configuration language that employs a template-reference syntax in order to express repetitive & structured configuration parameters in a more concise manner. Usage of these constructs is optional. At its core, the syntax uses concepts similar to those found in json & toml: nested structures of key/value pairs. One can draw parallels between some of the features found in this syntax and those made available by the jinja templating python library.

Core concepts

The syntax has three core concepts:

  1. struct - This is a concrete entry of data. A struct may contain other structs as well as key/value pairs.
  2. proto - The proto keyword is used to define a template, which can be used to create a struct. A proto may contain other structs, references (see below), as well as key/value pairs. The values in a proto (and all sub-objects) may be represented by a variable.
  3. reference - The reference keyword is used to turn a proto into a concrete struct. The proto is referenced, given a name, and all contained variables are given a value.

In summary, a proto that is referenced, effectively becomes a struct.

Other concepts

  1. include syntax - existing configuration files may be included by other files. There are no restrictions around a proto being defined in one file, then referenced in another file. This highlights one of the advantages of this syntax: the ability to define a generic set of templates in one file, which will be used to produce multiple, repeated concrete structs with different names and parameters in a different file. The same config files may not be included twice
  2. include_relative syntax - Same as include, except nested paths will resolve from the included file's path instead of from the base file's path. See examples/config_example12.cfg for an example of this keyword. The list of include_relative statements must come after all include statements in a config file.
  3. optional attributes for includes: [optional] and [once]
    • e.g. include [once] base.cfg allows including the same file twice, which may be useful if some base values or structure is defined in a separate file that may be transitively included from multiple places. By default, the parser will fail when it encounters a duplicate include, this leads to duplicate key definitions.
    • e.g. include [optional] file_may_not_exist.cfg enables a config to reference files that may be missing. By default, the parser will fail when it encounters a missing file.
  4. Environment variables - Environment variables may be referenced in include or include_relative statements using the syntax ${ENV_VAR_NAME}. If the environment variable is not set, the reference will be replaced with an empty string.
  5. key-value reference - Much like bash, the syntax provides the ability to reference apreviously defined value by its key, and assign it to another key.
  6. Appended keys - While a proto defines a templated struct, one can add additional keys to the resulting struct when the proto is referenced.
  7. [override] - By default, a key can be specified once and only once in the config file. Using the [override] keyword allows a value that was previously specified in the config to be overridden with a new value.
  8. Fully qualified keys - One may define the configuration parameters using a combination of the tree-like structure found in json along with fully qualified key value pairs. These can not be mixed within the same file however.

While whitespace (except for following the struct, proto, reference, and as keywords) is not significant it is convenient in order to better view the structure of the configuration parameters.

Syntax details

struct keyword

The struct keyword is used to define a structure of data, e.g.

struct foo {

  key1 = 0
  key2 = 1.4
  key3 = "string"

  struct bar {
    nested_key = 0
    baz = 3.14


As mentioned above, a struct may contain key/value pairs as well as other struct, proto, or reference blocks. When using the struct syntax, fully-qualified (or dotted) keys are not allowed within the struct. The above example would result in the following fully-qualified key/value pairs:

foo.key1 = 0
foo.key2 = 1.4
foo.key3 = "string" = 0 = 3.14

proto keyword

The proto keyword is used to define a templated definition of a struct, e.g.

struct protos {

  proto foo {
    key1 = 0
    key2 = 1.4
    key3 = $KEY3

    struct bar {
      key_a = 0x1A2B
      key_b = $KEY_B


The above example defines a proto called "foo" with two concrete keys and a variable key key3. There is also a nested struct (which also contains a contrete key and a variable key key_b).

This proto does not add anything to the configuration parameters as is. It must be referenced in order to turn it into a concrete struct of data.


Keys within a proto (or any struct nested within a proto) may be assigned a "variable" which will be resolved later as explained below. A variable begins with a $ and is followed by a variable name matching [A-Z0-9_]+. The variable name may optionally be enclosed in a set of curly braces (e.g. {...}).

Variables may also be used within strings (e.g. "foo.$BAR.baz"), within a key-value reference, in a list (e.g. [0, ${ONE}, 2]) or in an expression (e.g. {{ 0.5 * ($MIN + ${MAX}) }})

reference keyword

The reference keyword is used to turn a proto into a struct. Following on from the example above:

reference as fuzz {
  $KEY3 = "apple"
  $KEY_B = 3.14159
  +extra_key = 0x7FF

The above example introduces the following concepts:

  1. When referencing a proto, the fully qualified name of the proto must be used (i.e. instead of foo).
  2. The variables $KEY3 and $KEY_B that were introduced in and respectively are given values when the proto is referenced. These variables can be used in the following situations as explained above
    • Alone, as the value in a key/value pair
    • Within a string value (e.g. key = "$KEY3.thing")
    • Within a key-value reference (e.g. key = $(reference.$THIS.var))
    • Within a list
    • Within an expression
  3. +extra_key is an appended key. The proto "" does not contain this key, but the resulting struct fuzz will contain this additional key.

NOTE: There is a special variable $PARENT_NAME which can be used to assign the value of the containing parent key to a variable defined in a proto (e.g. we could write $KEY3 = $PARENT_NAME which would assign the value "fuzz" to $KEY3).

The above reference could be defined as follows using the struct syntax:

struct fuzz {
  key1 = 0
  key2 = 1.4
  key3 = "apple"
  extra_key = 0x7FF

  struct bar {
    key_a = 0x1A2B
    key_b = 3.14159

NOTE: A proto with no variables may be referenced using empty curly braces, e.g. The following is valid syntax:

proto foo {
  bar = 1
  baz = "test"

reference foo as copy {}

This construct is useful when you want to fully define a portion of the config and then reference (i.e. copy) it in other places within the config file.

Key-value references

As mentioned above, existing values may be referenced by their key in order to define a different key/value pair. E.g.

struct foo {
  key1 = 0
  key2 = 1.4

struct bar {
  key1 = 1
  key2 = $(foo.key2)

In this case, the key bar.key2 is given the value of foo.key2, or in this case 1.4. This construct can be used within the struct, proto or reference constructs. The syntax is $( As mentioned in the reference section, a key-value reference may include variables internally (e.g. $($KEY).

Supported value types

The following value types are supported:

  1. Integers (signed or unsigned)
  2. Floating point (standard or scientific notation)
  3. Hexadecimal (i.e. 0x[0-9a-fA-f]+, upper- or lower-case characers are supported). These resolve to an integer
  4. Strings - Any set of characters enclosed by double-quotes
  5. Boolean (true or false)
  6. List/Array - a bracket-enclosed, comma-separated list of same-typed values from the types listed above (i.e. one may define a list of strings or floating-point numbers, but not a mixed combination of the two). The exception to this rule is that lists may contain variables (e.g. $VAR), key-value references and/or expressions, but when resolved, the list elements must be homogeneous.

Mathematical expressions

The config syntax also supports the ability to express mathematical expressions using numbers and key-value references. When using key-value references within a mathematical expression, the value must evaluate to a numeric value (chained references are allowed as long as the end of the chain is numeric). Mathematical expressions are enclosed within a set of opening and closing curly braces (i.e. {{ and }}). The keyword pi may also be used to represent the value of pi more precisely.

The following operators are supported:

  • + - plus (both binary and unary)
  • - - minus (both binary and unary)
  • * - multiply
  • / - divide
  • ^ or ** - power
  • pi - the value of pi
  • ( and ) - Parentheses grouping operations

The following example:

struct foo {
  key1 = 1.25
  key2 = -2
  val = {{ $(foo.key1) * $(foo.key2) + 2*pi }}

struct bar {
  key1 = 1e-2
  key2 = {{ $(foo.val) * $(bar.key1) ^ 0.5 + 10 }}

will evaluate to:

struct foo {
  key1 = 1.25
  key2 = -2
  val = 3.78318

struct bar {
  key1 = 1e-2
  key2 = 10.378318

[override] keyword

As mentioned above, a leaf key can be specified once and only once in the config file (e.g. and are unique keys). Using the [override] keyword allows the value of a key that was previously specified in the config to be overridden with a new value. In order to use [override] the key/value pair must exist elsewhere in the config (using [override] on a key not previously defined will result in an error). In addition, the type of the override must match the previously defined value.

An example of usage can be found in example_config1.cfg and is shown below:

struct foo {
  bar = 0
  baz = 2
  buzz = "string"

a = $(baz)
b = {{ $(baz) }}
c = $(a)


struct foo {
  baz [override] = -7
  buzz [override] = 13  # <-- This results in an error due to the type change

With the above example, the fully resolved config will be (ignoring the error highlighted above):

struct foo {
  bar = 0
  baz = -7
  buzz = "string"

a = -7
b = -7
c = -7

Note that the [override] keyword must come after the key and before the =, but spacing does not matter.


The hash (#) symbol is used to add comments within a config file (think python syntax). Any characters after the # will be considered part of the comment until the end-of-line. This allows for trailing comments. While there is no multi-line comment character, multi-line comments can be achieved by placing a # at the beginning of each line.

# Comments can start at the beginning of a line

   # Leading spaces are also okay

struct foo {  # A trailing comment works like this
  key1 = 0
  # comments can also be embedded in a struct/proto/reference
  key2 = "a"  # We might leave a comment here to explain this variable

# A multi-line comment might look something
# like this, which is basically just a few
# normal comments in a row.

See config_example3.cfg and config_example5.cfg for additional examples of comment usage.



The C++ implementation uses the taocpp::pegtl library to define the grammar. PEGTL uses a templatized syntax to define the grammar (which can be found here). This is used for parsing the raw config file, along with a set of actions which define how to act on the parse output. Once the raw config files are parsed, there is a second pass that does the following:

  1. Finds all protos defined in the parsed output
  2. Merges all nested structs into a single struct
  3. Resolves all references (and their associated variables), turning references to protos into structs.
  4. Unflattens any flat key/value pairs
  5. Resolves key-value references

PEGTL also provides some additional functionality to analyze the defined grammar and to generate a parse-tree from a supplied configuration file.


The following dependencies are required in order to compile the code:

  • PEGTL - The core library used for implementing the PEG-based parser
  • magic_enum - A header only library providing static reflection for enums
  • {fmt} - A formatting library that provides an alternative to c stdio and C++ iostreams
  • range-v3 - A range library for C++14/17/20
  • googletest - The Google unit testing framework

All of these dependencies are automatically collected/installed via CMake FetchContent. Currently, there is no mechanism for using pre-installed versions.


This project is built using CMake. While there are a variety of ways to use cmake, these simple steps should lead to a successful build:

From the root of the source tree:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

Or alternatively, using ninja:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake -G Ninja ..


All C++-based tests can be found in the the tests directory. Any new tests should be added here as well. As mentioned above, the Google testing framework is used for testing. Once the code is built, the tests can be run by executing ctest from the build directory. Refer to the ctest documentation for further details. The tests can also be run individually by executing the individual gtest binaries from the tests directory within your build directory. See the googletest documentation for options.


In addition to the tests, there are a number of simple applications that provide example code for the library usage.

  • config_build - This application can be used to parse a config file and build the resulting config tree. Usage: ./src/config_reader ../example/config_example5.cfg.
  • config_reader_example - This reads the config_example5.cfg configuration file and attempts to read a variety of variables from it. This uses a verbose mode, which generates a lot of debug printouts, tracing the parsing and construction of the config data.


Python bindings for this library are provided via pybind11. These bindings are not built by default, but can be enabled by setting CFG_PYTHON_BINDINGS=ON via cmake. The installation directory of these bindings can also be specified by setting CFG_PYTHON_INSTALL_DIR. If this variable is not set, the default system directory will be used. e.g. From the root of the repo:

mkdir build
cd build
ninja install


A flexible configuration format that supports templated tables and referencing of existing keys.







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  • C++ 91.9%
  • CMake 6.1%
  • Python 2.0%