Our project uses Maven to import dependencies and create an executable .jar file to run. First, clone the repo to a new directory, then traverse to the Language Identification folder:
git clone https://github.com/jaycaz/twitter-lang-classifier.git
cd twitter-lang-classifier/Language\ identification
Use Maven to install:
mvn clean install -DskipTests -Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true
Then, execute the .jar file with the full classpath you would like to run. For example, to run the RNN classifier example code, use:
java -cp target/twitter-lang-classifier-{VersionNumber}.jar {ClassPath}
where VersionNumber is the current version number and ClassPath is a fully qualified classpath to one of the classes in our project.
Here is a list of all the classes you can call to run examples:
ClassPath | Description |
org.classifier.NGramClassifier | Run ngram classifier training and scoring |
org.classifier.LogisticRegression | Run Logistic Regression classifier training and scoring |
org.classifier.RNN | Run RNN classifier trainer (no scorer implemented) |
org.main.RunClassifier | Pass in a string (between double quotes) as a command line argument, and it will classify |
org.main.ClassifierGUI | Loads a JavaFX GUI that you can type a string into, and it will classify |
So, here is a full example using version 0.1 and the NGramClassifier class:
java -cp target/twitter-lang-classifier-0.1.jar org.classifier.NGramClassifier