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This is the December 2011 version of the FLAGCAL.

For all the changes which have been made recently see the History below.

At present this code is hosted at -

You can find a short introduction of the package also there. 


* This program (FLAGCAL) flags the  GMRT interferometric data on the basis of   
  various considerations which are discussed in the draft (see the pdf file). 

* Apart from flagging, the program also carries out calibration, for a multi-source  
  FITS file.

* At present the program is not of much use for a single source and/or single channel
  FITS file. The quality of the flagging strongly depends on the values of
  the parameters that are used by different modules. In most cases the default 
  values of the parameters will work. However, make sure that the default values
  are working for you by looking at the output printed on the terminal.  

 Content of the README file:
A. Installation 
B. Running FLAGCAL code
C.Input and output files
D. History


F. Suggestions 

A. Installation and general instructions : 

  At present the package is provided in the form of a password protected .zip file 
  and you must send me an email ([email protected] or [email protected])
  to get the password, if you do not have it. 
  If you use this package for you work please cite our papaer 

 After unpacking go inside the src directory and edit the 
 according to the setting of you computer. Basically you have to give the path of
 the cfitsio and pgplot libraries. 

Once you have edited the you can run the 'make' command and if the path 
is correct you should get the following executable inside the src directory.
For knowing the options available for various executable, run the executable 
without any options.

  a. flagcal         : This is the main flagging & calibration executable. 
  b. readfitsheader  : Reads the header of a FITS file.
  c. readfits        : Reads single channel data from a FITS file which can be 
                       plotted using ivplot (after redirecting output of that in some file).
  d. liststruct      : Prints the list of FITS file (# of tables etc)
  e. timeaver        : Can average the data of FITS file over time/  
  f. ivplot          : Is like vplot of AIPS. However, it is interactive and take
                       the output file produced by readfits as input.
  g. plotbadbadant   : Plots badness of antennas. The input file for it (bad_ant.dat) is
                       produced by the flagcal. Use this to fix the threshold
                       for the badness of antennas (thrs_ant).
  h. plotbadchan     : Plot badness of channels. The input file for it is produced
                       by flagcal(bad_chan.dat). Use this to fix the threshold.
  g. igplot          : It plots antennas gains in an interactive way (like SNPLOT of AIPS)
  h. igrplot         : Plots time-frequency gray plots for given or all baselines. 
  i. ivsrplot        : Plots VSR for various baselines. 

You can execute these from the installation directory or you can Link the
installation directory in your path. 

1. In order to run (use)   FLAGCAL you need:-
   a. cfitsio library   (V3.24 or higher)
   b. pgplot (optional)
   c. a multi-source FITS file
   d. a parameter file ( in the src directory, not optional)
   e. a source list file ( in the src directory, optional) 
   f. a flag file  ( having info about bad antenna & bad channel, optional)

2. All the parameters must be passed though the parameter file. All the parameters
   are explained in the parameters.txt file. Do not change any parameter without 
   understanding what it does.  

3. You must edit (inside the src directory) and give the paths for
   the cfitsio & pgplot. 

4. At present this program work best on a multi-core machine with more than 4GM RAM
  (memory requirement depends on your file size).
   I tried it on SURYA@NCRA with 4 threads (openMP) and it works fine.
 - If you suspect that the program is not using more than one  processors, check 
   if OpenMP is working on your computer (get a test program for that from and test with that). 
5. In order to find the values of various thresholds for flagging, firstly 
   run the program only up to the flagging (run with imode 1)
   and look at the flag files for bad antennas,  bad baselines,  bad channels and histogram.

6. For mad filtering (which is done at the beginning) the threshold can be selected arbitrarily 
   (better not to change it).

7. The program works best when observation sequence is :
   fc: flux cal, pc-phase cal, sr-source. However, it works for a single source file also,
   however, in that case some modification in io sections may be needed. 

8. In order to follow the AIPS convention (which is useful to cross-check the gains),
   in place "g_is"  1/g_is are used. Note that for writing gains, I have changed the sign of
   the imaginary part of 1/g by hand. However, this does not change the internal consistency 
   of the program. After running the flagcal you can check the gains using igplot.

B. Running the code
-  Typical use of the pipeline is as follows:

  ./flagcal -i ZCOSMOSA.FITS -o TEMP.FITS -p -n 4

-  Where:
    ZCOSMOSA.FITS = input FITS file
    TEMP.FITS     = output FITS file, = parameters file 
    4             = # openMP threads.
  You can use the following extra options also:

  -bchan 32 -echan 64 

  will write the output fits file only for the channels between 32 & 64.
  -osrc 3
   will write the output for only the source with id=3

  There are other options also for which will shown to you by typing 


In general the pipeline should be run into the following two steps:

Step 1: Run the pipeline only up to flagging (imode=1) and look at the followings:
         - fraction of data flagged by various modules
         - bad antenna & bad channels plots 

         on the basis of these fix the thresholds parameters

Step 2: Run the complete pipeline 

Note : 

--     Do not forget to check the gains using igplot. If gains do not look reasonable 
       then there is no reason to trust the pipeline.

--     It is advisable to check the quality of flagging using ivplot & igrplot.

C. Input and output files

 Input Files:
    (1) : parameters file
    (2)  INPUT.FITS    : input FITS file
    (3)     : source type information 
    (4)       : contain information about bad antenna & channels 

 Output Files:
    (1) vsr.dat : VSR values (use ivsrplot to see these) 
    (2) bad_ant.dat: data for bad antennas (large value = bad)
    (3) bad_chans.dat : data for  bad channels (large value = bad)
    (4) gain.dat : gain for a given channel (69) and stokes (rr)
        columns are as follows:
        time ant re im amp phase 

    (9) TEMP.FITS : output FITS file

D. History  
 This version of the code supersedes all the earlier versions. It has been tested 
 and found to be doing well.
 Over last few months many of the bugs in the program have been fixed. Some of them in 
 the reverse chronological orders are as follows:

Some changes in October 01, 2011

* One new function 'gettime' is added which makes time from the random parameter 4 & 5
  and this function is used by both read_fits.c and readfits.c

* One new line chracter \n is removed from the flux_calib 


 Major changes on April 21, 2011
 1. All the input/outfile functions have been absorbed in io.c
 2. Now you must explicitely pass '', 'flag,in', etc., with option '-s','-f', etc.,
    now there are no default values. If you do not give these options, it will be assumed that
    you do not have these files and the program will run without those.  
 2. Some cosmetic changes have been made here and there for better readability.
 3. Some minor bugs have been fixed in the plotting programs.  
 4. Now one can specify "SCAN FLAGGING" also. If in the input 'flagfile' you write 'BSCAN=4' (scan 4 is bad),
    Scan '4' will be flagged.  If you write 'GSCAN=4' then scan '4' will never get flagged 
    (this case can  be used for testing purpose). 
 5. Now you can explicitely specify for a source scan which calibrators' scans you want to
    use for calibration. For example, if you have a sequence of observations F-P-S-P-S-P-S-P-S-F,
    and you want to use gains of scan '2'  and '8' for calibrating scan '5' in place of '4'
    and '6' (which is the default policy), you can pass a calibration file '' with option '-c' 
    at run time, having syntax '5 2 8' (see the example calib.file). This option should be used in very 
    special cases.
 6. I am working on few other options also like (1) passing an external gain file (which can be 
    used when one has different files for the target (science source) and calibrator (2) multiple pass
    of the flagcal.

- variables initilzed in mad_filter.c (global) 
    Tue Mar 15 16:02:44 IST 2011

- input flag file reading module in initilise.c is rewritten. Now range also can be specified.
      Fri Mar  4 12:29:40 IST 2011

- read_inputpara.c is modiefed to make it compatible with all machines. 

- Bug in global mad filter fixed (09/08/10)

- Now the option can be given for low/high memory use

- Now first and the last channels are permanently flagged (you can undo/overdo that)
  Thu Jul  1 20:12:55 IST 2010

- Runfile and parameter files have been merged - Thu Jul  1 20:12:55 IST 2010

- Memory allocation issues in some modules have been fixed - Wed Jun 30 09:09:53 IST 2010

- Now source type can be given in a file ( 

- One post mad filtering module has been added 

- Now various flagging modules and can be switched on/off by editing the file 

- All the function including those which the library contains are defined in flagcal.h 

-  Now there is one more executable called timeaver which can be used to average visibility data over time.

- remove_rfi, peak_remove & smooth_data have been rewritten to save memory & CPU 

- Now the pipeline can be used on its own output also ! However, the convergence has not be checked.

- In order to flag scans in which the phase ramps, phase-stability of the source is also tested.

- At present there is no such module which is not working in the expected way. However, there is serious
   need to write smooth_data program which is not working for files larger than 5 GB and remove_peak
   modules which are taking a long time. 

- The sign of the imaginary part of g1 was reversed to make the output compatible with AIPS.
  Which was causing trouble is write_gain was called in the beginning.

- The flux_calib program is completely rewritten. Now it can use any number of flux

- There were serious issues with memory allocation in modules which were using OpenMP. Now 
   none of the OpenMP modules uses dynamic memory allocation.

- The module peak_remove is completely rewritten which now uses different method for smoothing.

- Almost all the variables have been made from double to float and long to int. Which makes the 
  code better portable across different platforms and compilers. 

- In order to compensate for not going for arbitrary high for iteration for convergence in the gainsol
   module, there has been put one filters on the visibility before gain computation and on gain after 
   gain computation.
- Many of the variables have been renamed in order to make them close to what they do.

- Almost all the unused variables have been removed from all programs. 


- Why this program does not accept my file ?

1.  Your file may not be in the FITS format.  
2.  Some of the keywords in your fits file may be wrong. Check with readfitsheader. 
3.  You do not have at least three tables in your fits file.
4.  The data is not recorded in time-order.   
5.  You do not have latest version of CFITSIO installed on your computer.
6.  You have not got the correct version (32 bit/ 64 bit) of flagcal library. 
7.  You have not linked the libraries properly. 
8.  Check that the program has accepted your input, output & parameter files.
9.  You may have given some bad command line option or bad entry in the parameter file. 

-  Why I get segmentation fault error ?

1. Some of the baselines may be missing from your fits file.   
2. You are running a fits file which needs more memory than the RAM on your machine. 
3. Some of the random group parameters may not be correct. 

- Why I get NAN for some quantities ?

1. There  may be an issues with your compiler in handling long/double etc.
2. There may be bad entries in your file. Check few channels with readfits. 

- Why I cannot use ivplot ?

1. PGPLOT may not be properly installed. Check you have un-commented /XSERVE & /XWINDOW
   in the driver file at the time of pgplot installation. 
2. You have not linked XLIB properly.
3. Your are not linking libg2c properly. If you want to use FORTRAN compiler for making 
   binaries for pgplot routines then edit your MAKEFILE accordingly.

- Why the results of the FLAGCAL are so unsatisfactory ?
1. You have really bad data !
2. Your file was not been read properly.
3. You have not given write parameters. Check  bad_ant.dat, bad_base.dat & bad_chan.dat 
   using plotbadant, plotbadbase & plotbadchan and fix the threshold. 
4. Gains were not calculated properly. Check gains with igplot. If you find that the 
   amplitude and phase of gains are bad there is no need to trust the output results. 

F. Suggestions 
I have received the following suggestions from various people and in future I may incorporate  all 
or some of these. If you also have any suggestion please let me know.

1. Restrict the uv range for gain computation (from Vishwesh)
2. Fringe fitting (from Vishwesh). 
3. Make it works for arbitrarily number of baselines. 
4. Integrate time averaging with the output module. 


Flaging and Calibration pipeline for GMRT data







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