Checkers Direction Identifier is a RESTful API service using python micro web framework Flask which can be deployed on multiple CentOS 7 Virtual Machines.
The RESTful API accepts a POST request with a JSON body which is an array of arrays representing a 8x8 grid. Each square on the 8x8 grid has either a red checker, black checker, or no checker on it.
The service returns a JSON array of objects with the locations on the grid where there are 4 checkers of the same color (red or black) in a consecutive line, horizontally, vertically, or diagonally. It should return the location in zero-indexed X and Y coordinates, cardinal direction, and color.
{"x": 1, "y": 0, "color": "R", "direction": "S"},
{"x": 2, "y": 1, "color": "B", "direction": "E"},
{"x": 2, "y": 5, "color": "B", "direction": "E"},
{"x": 1, "y": 4, "color": "B", "direction": "SE"}
Each time a POST request is made, a new task is created.
- End-points:
- "/": Takes a GET request and returns a message "Hello :D Welcome to the Checkers Direction Identifier!!".
- "/results": Takes a POST request with json data and returns the identified checkers directions json data. A GET request to this end-point would return an empty json list.
Clone the git repository from
$ git clone
$ cd production
$ cd vagrant
Before running the application these software's needs to be installed:
sudo apt-get install git
sudo apt-get install virtualbox
sudo apt-get install vagrant
sudo apt-get install
sudo apt-get install python3.6
sudo apt-get install virtualenv
sudo apt-get install python-pip
Create a virtual environment and install the requirements in it:
$ virtualenv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
$ pip install -r vagrant/requirements.txt
Run the app:
$ cd vagrant/app
$ python
The application will start running on
Run the below command to check the output:
$ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d '[["R","R","B","-","B","B","B","-"],["B","R","B","B","B","B","-","-"],["B","R","B","B","R","R","-","B"],["R","R","R","-","-","R","R","R"],["B","B","B","R","-","-","-","B"],["-","R","B","B","B","B","-","B"],["R","B","-","B","R","B","-","R"],["B","R","-","R","B","-","-","-"]]' http://localhost:5000/results
Open virtualbox from terminal:
$ virtualbox
To install application on Centos 7 Virtual Machines:
$ vagrant up --provision
The vagrant installs three CentOS 7 and software's from requirements.txt USING Ansible and Docker under folder /production/vagrant/.vagrant. Once the virtual machines are initialized, Login to the ssh to access Virtual Machines one at a time: Username: vagrant Password: vagrant
$ vagrant ssh "centos1"
[vagrant@centos1 ~]$ cd app
[vagrant@centos1 ~]$ python3.6
Similarly for other two VM's:
$ vagrant ssh "centos2"
[vagrant@centos1 ~]$ cd app
[vagrant@centos1 ~]$ python3.6
$ vagrant ssh centos3"
[vagrant@centos1 ~]$ cd app
[vagrant@centos1 ~]$ python3.6
The app is deployed on three different virtual machines on The applications ports are forwarded to local ports as below:
VM | Guest Port | Host Port |
centos1 | 5000 | 5000 |
centos2 | 5000 | 5003 |
centos3 | 5000 | 5003 |
Run the below comands to have a post request to the REST API endpoint "/results" on these virtual machines:
CentOS1 (
curl -X POST -H "Content-type: application/json" -d '[["R","R","B","-","B","B","B","-"],["B","R","B","B","B","B","-","-"],["B","R","B","B","R","R","-","B"],["R","R","R","-","-","R","R","R"],["B","B","B","R","-","-","-","B"],["-","R","B","B","B","B","-","B"],["R","B","-","B","R","B","-","R"],["B","R","-","R","B","-","-","-"]]
CentOS2 (
curl -X POST -H "Content-type: application/json" -d '[["R","R","B","-","B","B","B","-"],["B","R","B","B","B","B","-","-"],["B","R","B","B","R","R","-","B"],["R","R","R","-","-","R","R","R"],["B","B","B","R","-","-","-","B"],["-","R","B","B","B","B","-","B"],["R","B","-","B","R","B","-","R"],["B","R","-","R","B","-","-","-"]]
CentOS3 (
curl -X POST -H "Content-type: application/json" -d '[["R","R","B","-","B","B","B","-"],["B","R","B","B","B","B","-","-"],["B","R","B","B","R","R","-","B"],["R","R","R","-","-","R","R","R"],["B","B","B","R","-","-","-","B"],["-","R","B","B","B","B","-","B"],["R","B","-","B","R","B","-","R"],["B","R","-","R","B","-","-","-"]]
Requesting through HTTP client: