Java Software Engineer | I practice TDD, SOLID, KISS, Hexagonal architecture | I love CI/CD | I'm learning Kotlin, Typescript...
Current goals:
- Training my Good Practices skills
- Learning Kotlin, Typescript...
- Get even better at CI/CD
- Improve my knowledge on cutting-edge technologies, like hexagonal architecture
Some projects that I have completed in which I have practised a lot of things:
- mower : Project with hexagonal architecture, using TDD and GitHub CI/CD and Docker for running.
- the-crm-service : Project with hexagonal architecture, with SparkJava or SpringBoot for the REST API, with in-memory adapter for persistence, implemented using TDD and GitHub CI/CD, and Docker for running.
- console-twitter : Project with clean architecture, without any framework, implemented using TDD and Docker for running.
Some project under development where I try to test a lot of more things:
- NILO : Springboot application.
- Companysa : Another kata. Hexagonal approach by packages.
- mower-kt : The same mower project, but in Kotlin. <-- This is one of my first contacts to Kotlin.
More projects with more things:
- AdventOfCode : The Advent Of Code implementations.
- AdventOfKotlinCode : The Advent Of Code implementations, but in Kotlin.
Where you can find me:
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