This repository has been archived by the owner on May 28, 2018. It is now read-only.
- [JERSEY-2536] - @BeanParam not honored in WADL generation
- [JERSEY-2714] - Location header forcibly expanded to absolute path
- [JERSEY-2723] - grizzly parse uri error for URI path beginning with two consecutive slashes
- [JERSEY-2787] - Incorrect wadl generated when entity parameter is annotated with unknown annotation
- [JERSEY-2832] - Inconsistent behavior using @BeanParam, a ParamConverter, and an ExceptionMapper
- [JERSEY-2836] - Use of private class in httpsclientservergrizzly example
- [JERSEY-2838] - Response.created(URI) does not convert relative URI to absolute
- [JERSEY-2840] - jersey-apache-connector.jar missing OSGI properties
- [JERSEY-2860] - When setting a new baseUri in a prematching filter, Reponse.created() still uses old baseUri
- [JERSEY-2869] - Jersey Client SSE Stream Chunking Incorrectly, Causing "in" notifications to be discarded
- [JERSEY-2874] - NPE in @FormDataParam value factory when handling requests without body
- [JERSEY-2879] - Link HTTP Header: Comma separated links don't get parsed correctly
- [JERSEY-2881] - jdk1.7+ Profile Prevents Dependency Resolution
- [JERSEY-2899] - Jersey Doesn't Use HttpUrlConnectorProvider with custom SSLSocketFactory
- [JERSEY-2908] - RolesAllowedDynamicFeature returns incorrect 401 challenge
- [JERSEY-2916] - UriComponent.decodeQuery does not respect decodeNames flag for name-only params
- [JERSEY-2917] - @HeaderParam Corrupts Empty String Value
- [JERSEY-2918] - nonascii character in header causes ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in HttpHeaderReaderImpl
- [JERSEY-2934] - ChunkedInput.FixedBoundaryParser fails if last byte of data is the same as first byte of boundary delimiter
- [JERSEY-2936] - sendError() is called even if entity is provided
- [JERSEY-2938] - JAX-RS resource marked as @stateless EJB causes lookup failure
- [JERSEY-2941] - BasicAuthenticator#filterResponseAndAuthenticate: auth-scheme checks should be case insensitve
- [JERSEY-2942] - @path with regular expression overrides other @path's with the same URI
- [JERSEY-2945] - Setting host name verifier in Jersey client not honored in AHC connector.
- [JERSEY-2946] - StackOverFlow in org.glassfish.jersey.server.model.Resourse$Builder.toString()
- [JERSEY-2957] - CLONE - ChunkedInput.FixedBoundaryParser fails if last byte of data is the same as first byte of boundary delimiter
- [JERSEY-2960] - Variable names not matching
- [JERSEY-2962] - java.lang.StackOverflowError: null
- [JERSEY-2968] - JerseyGuava: Bad repackaging of GoogleGuava r18 - not repackaging com/google/thirdparty/publicsuffix/*
- [JERSEY-2291] - Support @Immediate services by default
Pull Requests
- [#189] - Fix JERSEY-2938 JAX-RS resource marked as @stateless EJB JNDI failure
- [#184] - Fixed a typo
- [#177] - JERSEY-2881: jdk1.7+ Profile Prevents Dependency Resolution
- [#173] - JERSEY-2291: Enable HK2 Immediate scope to support HK2 @Immediate servicesDependency Resolution
- [#171] - JERSEY-2879: Link HTTP Header: Fix for comma separated multiple header values
- [#166] - Patch https clientserver grizzly