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@shamoh shamoh released this 30 Jun 07:46
· 730 commits to master since this release

Release date: 29-Jun-2015


  • [JERSEY-2626] - Glassfish / Jersey throws NPE on startup of versioned app
  • [JERSEY-2843] - InboundMessageContext.hasEntity() fails to catch IllegalStateException even though it tries to.
  • [JERSEY-2846] - When throwing an Exception in a Multipart File upload resource, the tmp file is not deleted
  • [JERSEY-2865] - BufferOverflowException in SSE
  • [JERSEY-2871] - LoggingFilter does not match request and response numbers (like jersey 1.x did)
  • [JERSEY-2891] - ExceptionMapper not chosen correctly in case of multiple ExtendedExceptionMappers with same generic type

Pull Requests

  • [Pull 175] - JERSEY-2891: ExceptionMapper not chosen correctly in case of multiple ExtendedExceptionMappers with same generic type
  • [Pull 172] - JERSEY-2880: Link HTTP Header: Headers may contain double-quote-less parameters.
  • [Pull 168] - JERSEY-2871: use same prefix id for request and its response
  • [Pull 167] - JERSEY-2626: Fix for Versioned Applications
  • [Pull 165] - JERSEY-2865: Fixed BufferOverflowException in SSE