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@mgajdos mgajdos released this 09 Jun 08:11
· 863 commits to master since this release

Release date: 11-Mar-2015


CDI integration in EAR packaged WARs

From version 2.17 onwards, it's possible to use CDI with multiple JAX-RS web-applications packaged in EAR. All supported HK2/CDI injections now work as expected for JAX-RS application deployed in the mentioned fashion. One need to make sure that modules jersey-cdi1x and jersey-cdi1x-servlet are present in Servlet container (that supports EARs).


  • [JERSEY-1883] - @PostConstruct method called twice on @singleton
  • [JERSEY-2281] - Fix mispelled Function name WadlResource#geExternalGrammar
  • [JERSEY-2531] - Allow JAX-RS application subclass initialisation by Jersey's component provider
  • [JERSEY-2603] - MvcFeature implementations TEMPLATES_BASE_PATH vs TEMPLATE_BASE_PATH
  • [JERSEY-2625] - Declarative linking with mixed JAXB/JPA entities using EclipseLink leads to ValidationException
  • [JERSEY-2663] - Why two temp file is created during file upload with jersey 2?
  • [JERSEY-2677] - Leak for RequestScoped injectables if async server model is used
  • [JERSEY-2680] - Exception in jersey path mapper bubbles up until top
  • [JERSEY-2698] - ApacheConnector doesn't respect per-request timeouts
  • [JERSEY-2724] - The proxy client throws UnsupportedOperationException when calling toString
  • [JERSEY-2776] - Regression -Multipart/form-data POST having a quoted boundary parameter in the Content-Type header fails.
  • [JERSEY-2789] - Astral Unicode characters included in uri parts are not properly encoded
  • [JERSEY-2790] - jaxrs-ri transitively pulls in sources jars, wastes space and increases startup time
  • [JERSEY-2792] - NPE in JerseyTest.tearDown
  • [JERSEY-2796] - Calling getClasses() on ResourceConfig breaks example in some cases
  • [JERSEY-2800] - Memory Leak when using @BeanParam within HK2
  • [JERSEY-2801] - Bug in org.glassfish.jersey.internal.util.ReflectionHelper
  • [JERSEY-2813] - The RxObservableInvoker swallows errors such as 404 NotFound


  • [JERSEY-2490] - Declarative linking recurses into too many things
  • [JERSEY-2771] - Hard to customize freemarker configuration
  • [JERSEY-2814] - Imporve JDK container to take custom SSLContext


  • [JERSEY-2791] - Add support for micro-benchmarks in Jersey (JMH based)

Pull Requests

  • [Pull 146] - A fix for issue JERSEY-2625
  • [Pull 145] - Restore JarFileScanner support for parents with a trailing slash
  • [Pull 143] - JERSEY-2776: Unquoting boundary string for multipart Content-Type headers
  • [Pull 141] - easy configuration for freemarker
  • [Pull 140] - JerseyTest.tearDown to be more careful
  • [Pull 131] - JERSEY-2724 Added support for toString in proxy client
  • [Pull 121] - ApacheConnector: Set timeouts on per-request basis
  • [Pull 99] - Proposal to fix: #JERSEY-2490