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Holzhaus edited this page Nov 27, 2014 · 5 revisions

Note: This page is currently considered to be a draft pending feedback and review.

Component Category Dependencies
Jasper Core Core ALSA, Python 2 with requests. argparse, PyYAML, pip, PyAudio, APScheduler, mock
Pocketspinx STT STT Pocketsphinx, CMUCLMTK, Phonetisaurus & g014b2b.fst
Google STT STT Google Translate API Key
AT&T STT STT AT&T API App Key/Secret
Espeak TTS TTS eSpeak text to speech
Festival TTS TTS Festival Speech Synthesis System
SVox Pico TTS TTS SVOX Pico Text-to-Speech
MacOS X TTS TTS say/afplay commands on Mac OS X
Google TTS TTS gTTS, pymad
HN Modules BeautifulSoup4, semantic
Birthday Modules facebook-sdk
Notifications Modules facebook-sdk
Weather Modules feedparser, semantic
News Modules feedparser, semantic
Gmail Modules dateutil
Time Modules semantic
MPDControl Modules python-mpd
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