Shop DB in Golang with hot reload system
If you use docker you will only need:
- Docker;
- Docker-Compose;
Refer to Docker-Setup to install with docker.
If not, to run this project, you will need to install the following dependencies on your system:
- Run with :
docker-compose up --build
After docker run, following command :
- Import db :
docker exec -i db_gauvin_p01_db_1 sh -c 'exec mysql -ugobdd -p"gobdd" image_gobdd' < ./docker/data/database.sql
!! On linux, if you have a permission denied error on mysql_data, run : sudo chown -R <user>:<user> ./<folder>
You can acces the API documentation here :
We use go linter gofmt to automatically formats the source code.
Jason Gauvin |