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This is a simple Ruby on Rails app to practice SQL injection. Raw SQL Search inserts user input directly into a query and is highly susceptible to injection attacks. Sanitized Search is much better, it replaces single quotes with double quotes. I have read that this method can be broken but I was unable to replicate any of the methods I found. Prepared statement search uses a two step prepared statement built into the PG gem and is by far the safest.

The site is currently being hosted on Heroku at:

Example injections to try: 1) x’; insert into users values (6,‘sidney’,1,1);– This will create a new user from the search bar

2) bobby’ and ssn=444;– This will return all users whose name is bobby and whose SSN is 444

3) x’; select * from users;– Returns everything in the users db

In order to run this locally you need PSQL, Ruby 1.9.3, Rails 4.0 and a database.yml file in your config/ folder. That database.yml was ommitted for security reasons. Send me a message or e-mail if you need help generating one.

Set up steps

1) Clone the project

2) Run bundle install

3) Add you database.yml file

a) No need for a test or production b) Name your development database psql_injection_development c) Add host: localhost under development

4) Run rake db:migrate

5) Run rails s to start the server

6) Point your browser to localhost:3000


vuly app with sql injection vul'ies






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