Notifier for Campfire messages. Polls the specified Campfire room every 10 seconds for new messages that match a specified pattern. If any messages match, will shell out to notify-send
with a message indicating how many messages matched.
In busier Campfire rooms it can be difficult to keep track of discussions that are relevant. smoke-signals tries to reduce the noise by only alerting you to the messages that match specific pattern(s).
Use Leiningen:
lein run "http://your/campfire/room/url" "your-campfire-token" "pattern"
Or you can create an uberjar and run using java:
lein uberjar
java -jar path/to/uberjar "http://your/campfire/room/url" "your-campfire-token" "pattern"
Experimental: The app will automatically use whatever proxy settings are specified in the $http_proxy environment variable.