Ansible playbook to build my ubuntu
- oh-my-zsh + theme
- default terminal
- SpaceVim
- auditd + laurel / ufw
- mount
on tmpfs - disable system crash reports
- install oh my zsh
- set default editor to vim instead of nano
- enable fstrim for better ssd lifetime
- install flatpak and add flathub remote
- install podman + distrobox
- configure distrobox
- configure bat, exa, zoxide, navi for zsh
- Update and install ansible
sudo apt update && sudo apt install ansible git -y
- Install ansible-galaxy requirements
git clone [email protected]:januwe/ubuntu-build.git
cd ubuntu-build/
ansible-galaxy collection install community.general
- Run ansible-playbook
ansible-playbook -i inventory main.yml -e local_user=<user> -K