This project is built using MITIE: MIT Information Extraction ( and Last FM API (
Music helper chatbot is a simple python chatbot, which provides brief information about artists, albums, songs and tags. Using MITIE bot analyzes user's input and then sends a request using Last FM API. Then bot analyzes received document in JSON format and provides user requested information.
Next instruction was partly taken from the official MITIE repository (
Before you can run the provided examples you will need to download the trained model files which you can do by running:
make MITIE-models
or by simply downloading the MITIE-models-v0.2.tar.bz2 file and extracting it in your MITIE folder.
On a UNIX like system, this can be accomplished by running make
in the top level MITIE folder or
by running:
cd mitielib
This produces shared and static library files in the mitielib folder. Or you can use CMake to compile a shared library by typing:
cd mitielib
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
cmake --build . --config Release --target install
Either of these methods will create a MITIE shared library in the mitielib folder. Once you have built the MITIE shared library, you can go to the MITIE/examples/python folder and run .py scripts there.
In order to use this chatbot you'll need LastFM API key. Get it here: Once you have it, navigate to MITIE/examples/python/, find a variable named "API" and write down your API key.
When you've done all the steps above simply run or from the MITIE/examples/python folder. It'll take ~40 min to train and create new model. When you'll have a model, you can just comment the line corresponding for training in and