Create a restory from available media resources on the web. A set of HTML templates are avialable for a narrator to author his story.
You can create your own Annotations or Sweets, log in to load any image or website from the internet to Annotate. Then you can use your annotations and Swts to create a Restory. To start with you can Restory with the current available annotations at
Step 1: Prepare Markup - An Author can choose to use the available HTML templates, narrative-theme1.html or narrative-theme2.html from this repo or can use a own theme.
Step 2: To embed Media from a Sweet Store -
Part I: Choose the Sweets you need to embed in your markup -
Visit the App to browse the Sweets or image
annotations from the Sweet Store
Make a note of the Sweet ID, of the annotation you want to embed in the markup.
see below screenshot.
Create a html div with ID=”Swt-id” in your theme markup prepared from Step 1.
Part II: Make suitable changes to js/chapters.js file, to fetch annotations from SWT-Store we pass the Json arguments to the function call like, {el: “#story-content”, “who”:”scribe”, “what”:”img-anno”, “tag”: “lolcat”} el->container element to load sweets, “who”-> User name for the Sweets, “what”-> Type of annotation “tag”-> common tagset for the el.
Input the Sweet store URL in line # 18,
Step 3: Preview your HTML page on you local webserver to make sure the Sweets are embedded in the page.
Step 4: - Publish the HTML on internet.
Please refer to our Restories below,..
A Restory Tutorial
A Restory about a lake in the author’s Community, which needs attention:
A Restory about Gender discrimination:
A Restory about a Auto Rickshaw menace in Bangalore: