clone the source code into the machine:
$ git clone https://github.com/jamestansx/webserver.git && cd webserver
create a virtual environment:
$ virtualenv venv
activate the virtual env:%
$ ./venv/Scripts/activate
install all the dependencies:
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
start the server:
$ waitress-server webserver:app
actor C as Client
participant Web as Web Server
participant Auth as Authorization Server
participant S as Script Server
participant Data as Database
par Authentication Process
C->>+Web: HTTP Request
activate C
Web->>Web: Start Authorization Process
Web-->>-C: Redirect to Authorization Server
C->>+Auth: Authenticate and Approve of Release of Token
Auth-->>-C: Send Token
C->>+Web: HTTP Request with Token
note left of Web: HTTP Methods
Web->>+S: REST Request to retrieve or modidy data
S->>+Data: SQL command
Data->>-S: Return Result
S->>-Web: REST Response
alt Page Request
Web->>C: Static Page Response
else HTTP Request
Web->>-C: HTTP Response
deactivate C