First, clone the repository on your local machine, go into the folder, and then do a basic install with
git clone
cd go_cheater
python install
Depending on how permissions are setup on your machine, you may need to use sudo with install. If you do, you will then need to make sure the leelaz executable (go_cheater/leela-zero-0.17/leelaz) can be executed from your current user without sudo privledges.
After it has been successfully installed, try to run it on the sample SGF file provided with the following basic command (within go_cheater):
python -s sample.sgf -p 100
Once the install completes (it may take a few minutes, it has to download a few hundred megabytes), the documentation for running the program is below:
usage: [-h] [-p PLAYOUTS] [-w WEIGHTS] [-o OUTPUT] [-e EXECUTABLE] -s SGF
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
required arguments:
-s SGF, --sgf SGF indicate where the sgf file is
optional arguments:
-p PLAYOUTS, --playouts PLAYOUTS
set number of playouts; defaults to 1
-w WEIGHTS, --weights WEIGHTS
indicate where the weights file is; defaults to elfv2
in the leela-zero-0.17 directory
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
set the output CSV file; defaults to output_file.csv
set the executable Go AI program filename (must have
GTP extension lz-analyze); defaults to leela-