A office hours queue web app for 15-122. Under perpetual development...
Built on node.js, and assorted black magic.
- Install node.js.
- Install npm.
git clone https://github.com/jamesjwu/Q.git
cd Q/app
npm install
- Create Q/app/coursePass.txt containing the MD5 hash of the password.
- Create Q/app/TAAndrewIDs.txt containing a newline-separated list of the TA AndrewIDs.
- Create Q/app/studentIDs.txt containing a newline-separated list of the student AndrewIDs.
- Create Q/app/emailPass.txt containing the password to the email used in Q/app/routes/users.js.
npm start
- Go to http://localhost:3000
- Install the modulus npm package
- Run
modulus deploy
- Log in with modulus account, continue as directed.
##Implementation details
The front end of the queue is written in jade and jquery. It is primarily located in the public and views folders.
font/ - contains fonts
admin.js - Code for running admin controls
Chart[.min].js - package for rendering charts in metrics
common.js - code that's run everywhere, such as updating the title of the queue
fuse.min.js - package for fuzzy search in metrics
index.js - Code that's run on the queue's main page
loggedIn.js - Small piece of code that checks if a user is logged in. Put at the start of any page that requires authentication
login.js - Code for logging in and out
materialize[.min].js - package for frontend effects and animations
metrics.js Code for generation of metrics information
mobile.js - Leftover in development code for mobile version. Not production ready
materialize[.min].css - package for CSS effects
style.css - package for specific custom styling. Edit this for anything specific you want to change
admin.jade - admin page HTML generation
error.jade – default page for any error
index.jade - front page layout
layout.jade - common layout for top nav bar
metrics.jade - metrics page HTML generation
mobile.jade - Leftover in development code for mobile version. Not production ready.
The backend server is implemented in routes
index.js - Most reasonable routes
metrics.js - Metrics related backend code
users.js - Login related backend code, including authentication
These files aren't included in the git repo, but are required for production:
coursePass.txt - md5 hashed course password
emailPass.txt - plaintext file with email password for email alerts
studentIDs.txt - plaintext list of student IDs in the course
TAAndrewIDs.txt - plaintext list of TA IDs in the course
These should be stored securely server side, with no way to access them publicly.