Implementing the PALM — Permutation Analysis of Linear Models toolbox ( for Python. PALM a
Further documentation is hosted at
The goal is to have a flexible framework for statistically valid permutation testing when using linear models from or otherwise.
The framework should also be adaptable to multiview models such as those in
Project is open to contributions.
I am currently aware of some related repos e.g. but neither appear to contain the functionality for multi-level exchangeability block permuation.
- quickperms
- quickperms function and helpers
- unit testing for quickperms
- scikit-learn wrappers
- regression/classification
- adapt permutation_test_score() using permutations based on quickperms for multiblock exchangeability
- canonical correlation analysis
- wilks
- lawley_hotelling
- pillai
- roy-ii
- roy-iii
- regression/classification
The authors of PALM give the following references:
The main reference for PALM:
- Winkler AM, Ridgway GR, Webster MA, Smith SM, Nichols TE. Permutation inference for the general linear model. NeuroImage, 2014;92:381-397 (Open Access)
For correction across contrasts:
- Alberton BAV, Nichols TE, Gamba HR, Winkler AM. Multiple testing correction over contrasts for brain imaging. Neuroimage. 2020 Mar 19:116760. (Open Access)
For Non-Parametric Combination, classical multivariate tests (MANOVA, MANCOVA), assessed with permutations, and for correction over contrasts and/or modalities:
- Winkler AM, Webster MA, Brooks JC, Tracey I, Smith SM, Nichols TE. Non-Parametric Combination and related permutation tests for neuroimaging. Hum Brain Mapp. 2016 Apr;37(4):1486-511. (Open Access)
For the multi-level exchangeability blocks:
- Winkler AM, Webster MA, Vidaurre D, Nichols TE, Smith SM. Multi-level block permutation. Neuroimage. 2015;123:253-68. (Open Access)
For the accelerated permutation inference:
- Winkler AM, Ridgway GR, Douaud G, Nichols TE, Smith SM. Faster permutation inference in brain imaging. Neuroimage. 2016 Jun 7;141:502-516. (Open Access)
For additional theory of permutation tests in neuroimaging:
- Nichols TE, Holmes AP. Nonparametric permutation tests for functional neuroimaging: a primer with examples. Hum Brain Mapp. 2002 Jan;15(1):1-25.
- Holmes AP, Blair RC, Watson JD, Ford I. Nonparametric analysis of statistic images from functional mapping experiments. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab. 1996 Jan;16(1):7-22.