Android Movies App. A multi-module project that uses MVVM clean architecture, Jetpack Compose for UI and movies data.
A multi-module Android project to show the most trending movies from it combines the MVVM pattern with the clean architecture principals to create a scalable and maintainable app.
- Trending Movies: This is the home screen where the user can navigate through trending movies.
- Movie Details: Show detailed information about each movie, including: title,release date, voting average, movie genres, and an overview of the movie.
Project Modules
├── app # Main app, it contains: `Application class`, `MainActivity` & the `NavigationGraph`
├── common # Common project modules
│ ├── network # Network module: builds and configures an HTTP client
│ └── ui # UI modules: UI components and app theme (type,colors,shapes)
│ └── util # util: constants and util functions or classes used across the project.
└── feature
├── trending # trending: trending movies feature
└── moviedetails # moviedetails: movie details feature
Clean architecture Feature modules are seperated into layers: data,domain and presentation. usecases are used to encapsulate business logic
MVVM The MVVM architecturel pattern is used to seperate ui from data, viewmodels are used to hold app states
- Kotlin: The primary programming language for Android.
- Jetpack Compose: A declarative UI framework for Android.
- Dependency Injection: Dagger's Hilt.
- Networking: Retrofit.
- Moshi: A JSON library for Android.
- Coil: Image loading library for Android.
- Paging3: Android library to load and display pages of data.
After forking the project, don't forget to add BASE_URL
constants to your
where base_url is themoviedb api url and api_key is your api key that you can create for free after creating an account on their website.
API_KEY = "your_api_key"