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Continuous Integration and Build

Ivar Grimstad edited this page Jan 10, 2023 · 2 revisions

Pointers and tips for the Eclipse CI Environment.

CI Home CI Environment Info


Adding Release Notifications

Recommended Naming Conventions for Jenkins

  1. Release jobs for api, tck a. If they are separate using the following name
    • 1_SHORTNAME-api-build-and-staging for staging api and spec
    • 1_SHORTNAME-tck-build-and-staging for staging tck
    • 2_SHORTNAME-run-tck-against-staged-build
    • 3_SHORTNAME-api-staging-to-release for releasing api and spec b. If the api and tck are together
    • release-all: release API, spec and TCK. c. Create a tab “Release” and move the above jobs under that tab
  2. Nightly build using the name convention but replace release with nightly, so the job will have the names nightly-api, nightly-tck or nightly-all