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Command line tool for Kraken text segmentation and recognition.


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Command line tool layout analysis and OCR of historical prints using Kraken.



Tested Python versions: 3.9.x-3.12.x


The following setup process uses PyEnv

  1. Clone and install custom Kraken version (optional, but recommended)

    git clone --single-branch --branch octopy
    pip install kraken/.
  2. Clone repository

    git clone
  3. Create Virtual Environment

    pyenv install 3.12.8
    pyenv virtualenv 3.12.8 octopy
    pyenv activate octopy
  4. Install Octopy

    pip install octopy/.

Setup GPU Acceleration


Tested CUDA versions: 12.5

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/usr/local/cuda-12.5/lib64:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH"



$ octopy --help
 Usage: octopy [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...                                                
 Command line tool layout analysis and OCR of historical prints using Kraken.             
╭─ Options ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ --help         Show this message and exit.                                             │
│ --version      Show the version and exit.                                              │
╭─ Commands ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ segment        Segment images using Kraken.                                            │
│ segtrain       Train a custom segmentation model using Kraken.                         │

Layout Segmentation Training

$ octopy segtrain --help
 Usage: octopy segtrain [OPTIONS]                                                         
 Train a custom segmentation model using Kraken.                                          
╭─ Input ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ *  --gt         -g  DIRECTORY  Directory containing ground truth XML and matching      │
│                                image files. Multiple directories can be specified.     │
│                                [required]                                              │
│    --gt-glob        TEXT       Glob pattern for matching ground truth XML files within │
│                                the specified directories.                              │
│                                [default: *.xml]                                        │
│    --eval       -e  DIRECTORY  Optional directory containing evaluation data with      │
│                                matching image files. Multiple directories can be       │
│                                specified.                                              │
│    --eval-glob      TEXT       Glob pattern for matching XML files in the evaluation   │
│                                directory.                                              │
│                                [default: *.xml]                                        │
│    --partition  -p  FLOAT      Split ground truth files into training and evaluation   │
│                                sets if no evaluation files are provided. Default       │
│                                partition is 90% training, 10% evaluation.              │
│                                [default: 0.9]                                          │
│    --model      -m  FILE       Path to a pre-trained model to fine-tune. If not set,   │
│                                training starts from scratch.                           │
╭─ Options ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ *  --output              -o   DIRECTORY         Output directory for saving the model  │
│                                                 and checkpoints.                       │
│                                                 [required]                             │
│    --name                -n   TEXT              Name of the output model. Used for     │
│                                                 saving results and checkpoints.        │
│                                                 [default: foo]                         │
│    --device              -d   TEXT              Specify the device for processing      │
│                                                 (e.g. cpu, cuda:0, ...). Refer to      │
│                                                 PyTorch documentation for supported    │
│                                                 devices.                               │
│                                                 [default: cpu]                         │
│    --workers             -w   INTEGER RANGE     Number of worker processes for         │
│                                                 CPU-based training.                    │
│                                                 [default: 1; x>=1]                     │
│    --threads             -t   INTEGER RANGE     Number of threads for CPU-based        │
│                                                 training.                              │
│                                                 [default: 1; x>=1]                     │
│    --resize              -r   [union|new|fail]  Controls how the model's output layer  │
│                                                 is resized if the training data        │
│                                                 contains different classes. `union`    │
│                                                 adds new classes (former `add`), `new` │
│                                                 resizes to match the training data     │
│                                                 (former `both`), and `fail` aborts     │
│                                                 training if there is a mismatch.       │
│                                                 [default: new]                         │
│    --suppress-regions                           Disable region segmentation training.  │
│    --suppress-baselines                         Disable baseline segmentation          │
│                                                 training.                              │
│    --valid-regions       -vr  TEXT              Comma-separated list of valid regions  │
│                                                 to include in the training. This       │
│                                                 option is applied before region        │
│                                                 merging.                               │
│    --valid-baselines     -vb  TEXT              Comma-separated list of valid          │
│                                                 baselines to include in the training.  │
│                                                 This option is applied before baseline │
│                                                 merging.                               │
│    --merge-regions       -mr  TEXT              Region merge mapping. One or more      │
│                                                 mappings of the form `src:target`,     │
│                                                 where `src` is merged into `target`.   │
│                                                 `src` can be comma-separated.          │
│    --merge-baselines     -mb  TEXT              Baseline merge mapping. One or more    │
│                                                 mappings of the form `src:target`,     │
│                                                 where `src` is merged into `target`.   │
│                                                 `src` can be comma-separated.          │
│    --verbose             -v   INTEGER RANGE     Set verbosity level for logging. Use   │
│                                                 -vv for maximum verbosity (levels      │
│                                                 0-2).                                  │
╭─ Hyperparameters ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ --line-width          INTEGER                          Height of baselines in the      │
│                                                        target image after scaling.     │
│                                                        [default: 8]                    │
│ --padding             <INTEGER INTEGER>...             Padding (left/right,            │
│                                                        top/bottom) around the page     │
│                                                        image.                          │
│                                                        [default: 0, 0]                 │
│ --freq                FLOAT                            Model saving and report         │
│                                                        generation frequency in epochs  │
│                                                        during training. If frequency   │
│                                                        is >1 it must be an integer,    │
│                                                        i.e. running validation every   │
│                                                        n-th epoch.                     │
│                                                        [default: 1.0]                  │
│ --quit                [early|fixed]                    Stop condition for training.    │
│                                                        Choose `early` for early        │
│                                                        stopping or `fixed` for a fixed │
│                                                        number of epochs.               │
│                                                        [default: fixed]                │
│ --epochs              INTEGER                          Number of epochs to train for   │
│                                                        when using fixed stopping.      │
│                                                        [default: 50]                   │
│ --min-epochs          INTEGER                          Minimum number of epochs to     │
│                                                        train for before early stopping │
│                                                        is allowed.                     │
│                                                        [default: 0]                    │
│ --lag                 INTEGER RANGE                    Early stopping patience (number │
│                                                        of validation steps without     │
│                                                        improvement). Measured by       │
│                                                        val_mean_iu.                    │
│                                                        [default: 10; x>=1]             │
│ --optimizer           [Adam|SGD|RMSprop|Lamb]          Optimizer to use during         │
│                                                        training.                       │
│                                                        [default: Adam]                 │
│ --lrate               FLOAT                            Learning rate for the           │
│                                                        optimizer.                      │
│                                                        [default: 0.0002]               │
│ --momentum            FLOAT                            Momentum parameter for          │
│                                                        applicable optimizers.          │
│                                                        [default: 0.9]                  │
│ --weight-decay        FLOAT                            Weight decay parameter for the  │
│                                                        optimizer.                      │
│                                                        [default: 1e-05]                │
│ --schedule            [constant|1cycle|exponential|co  Set learning rate scheduler.    │
│                       sine|step|reduceonplateau]       For 1cycle, cycle length is     │
│                                                        determined by the `--step-size` │
│                                                        option.                         │
│                                                        [default: constant]             │
│ --completed-epochs    INTEGER                          Number of epochs already        │
│                                                        completed. Used for resuming    │
│                                                        training.                       │
│                                                        [default: 0]                    │
│ --augment                                              Use data augmentation during    │
│                                                        training.                       │
│ --step-size           INTEGER                          Step size for learning rate     │
│                                                        scheduler.                      │
│                                                        [default: 10]                   │
│ --gamma               FLOAT                            Gamma for learning rate         │
│                                                        scheduler.                      │
│                                                        [default: 0.1]                  │
│ --rop-factor          FLOAT                            Factor for reducing learning    │
│                                                        rate on plateau.                │
│                                                        [default: 0.1]                  │
│ --rop-patience        INTEGER                          Patience for reducing learning  │
│                                                        rate on plateau.                │
│                                                        [default: 5]                    │
│ --cos-t-max           INTEGER                          Maximum number of epochs for    │
│                                                        cosine annealing.               │
│                                                        [default: 50]                   │
│ --cos-min-lr          FLOAT                            Minimum learning rate for       │
│                                                        cosine annealing.               │
│                                                        [default: 2e-05]                │
│ --warmup              INTEGER                          Number of warmup epochs for     │
│                                                        cosine annealing.               │
│                                                        [default: 0]                    │

Layout Segmentation Prediction

$ octopy segment --help
 Usage: octopy segment [OPTIONS] IMAGES...                                                
 Segment images using Kraken.                                                             
 IMAGES: Specify one or more image files to segment. Supports multiple file paths,        
 wildcards, or directories (with the -g option).                                          
╭─ Input ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ *  IMAGES    PATH  [required]                                                          │
╭─ Options ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ --glob    -g  TEXT       Glob pattern for matching images in directories. (used with   │
│                          directories in IMAGES).                                       │
│                          [default: *.ocropus.bin.png]                                  │
│ --model   -m  FILE       Path to custom segmentation model(s). If not provided, the    │
│                          default Kraken model is used.                                 │
│ --output  -o  DIRECTORY  Output directory for processed files. Defaults to the parent  │
│                          directory of each input file.                                 │
│ --suffix  -s  TEXT       Suffix for output PageXML files. Should end with '.xml'.      │
│                          [default: .xml]                                               │
│ --device  -d  TEXT       Specify the processing device (e.g. 'cpu', 'cuda:0',...).     │
│                          Refer to PyTorch documentation for supported devices.         │
│                          [default: cpu]                                                │
╭─ Fine-Tuning ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ --creator             TEXT               Metadata: Creator of the PageXML files.       │
│                                          [default: octopy]                             │
│ --direction           [hlr|hrl|vlr|vrl]  Text direction of input images.               │
│                                          [default: hlr]                                │
│ --suppress-lines                         Suppress lines in the output PageXML.         │
│ --suppress-regions                       Suppress regions in the output PageXML.       │
│                                          Creates a single dummy region for the whole   │
│                                          image.                                        │
│ --fallback            INTEGER            Use a default bounding box when the           │
│                                          polygonizer fails to create a polygon around  │
│                                          a baseline. Requires a box height in pixels.  │
│ --heatmap             TEXT               Generate a heatmap image alongside the        │
│                                          PageXML output. Specify the file extension    │
│                                          for the heatmap (e.g., `.hm.png`).            │


Developed at Centre for Philology and Digitality (ZPD), University of Würzburg.