This website is build using React. It is about space travels along with the some information regarding rockets using an API from SapceX, that will be used to take the travelers to space.
Coming soon!
- CSS 🔥
- React 😋
- Redux🔥
- React-Redux🔥
- redux-logger🔥
- react Router Dom🔥
- DDT testing.😄
- You can book a rocket. ✔️
- You can book different missions.✔️
- Moreover, you can change missions and rockets as per your desire. ✔️
To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.
node js
Clone the repository and change the directory to portfolio
`$ git clone ''`
`$ cd traveler-hub`
Install all project dependencies by running the command below
` $ npm install`
`$ npm start
👤 Name | Github | ||
Safar Ali | @Safar Ali | @Safar Ali | @Safar Ali |
👤 Name | Github | ||
Jahongir Yusupov | @Safar Ali | @SJahongir Yusupov | @Jahongir Yusupov |
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!
- Hat tip to Microverse for giving me this project to work on.
This project is owned by Safar Ali and Jahongir Yusupov.