A website creator for React.
- WYSIWYG: a What You See Is What You Get website creator.
- Works for static website: can be configured for GitHub pages or other static hosting sites.
- Customizable: you can add your own custom css styles and components
- Open Source-ish: use it for personal use or contact me at [email protected] for commercial use. I would make it completely open-source but then the large website creating corperations could "borrow" this code base
A live demo is available for testing.
Installation is easy. First we'll create a react app and then install the reactive-site-creator package.
First you will to create a react app. To do this make sure you have node.js installed. Then open a terminal and copy and paste the following one line at a time:
npx create-react-app my-new-website
To install this package change your directory to the react application's directory
cd my-new-website
Now run
npm install reactive-site-creator
Open up your favorite code editor to your new website's directory. Open up App.js In the /src directory and replace the code the with following:
import Website from "reactive-site-creator/dist/components/Website";
function App() {
return <Website siteName={"My New Website"} isAdmin={true} />;
export default App;
Run the website
npm start
Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) © Jadon D Erwin 2022