Angular.js service providing simple notifications using Bootstrap 3 styles with css transitions for animations
- No dependencies except of angular.js.
- CSS3 Animations.
- Small size.
- 5 message types.
- Use HTML in your messages.
To install the package using bower and save as a dependency use...
bower install angular-ui-notification --save
In your html/template add
<link rel="stylesheet" href="angular-ui-notification.min.css">
<script src="angular-ui-notification.min.js"></script>
In your application, declare dependency injection like so..
angular.module('notificationTest', ['ui-notification']);
And when you need to show notifications, inject service and call it!
angular.module('notificationTest').controller('notificationController', function($scope, Notification) {
Notification.primary('Primary notification');
// or simply..
Notification('Primary notification');
// Other Options
// Success
Notification.success('Success notification');
// With Title
Notification({message: 'Primary notification', title: 'Primary notification'});
// Message with custom delay
Notification.error({message: 'Error notification 1s', delay: 1000});
// Embed HTML within your message.....
Notification.success({message: 'Success notification<br>Some other <b>content</b><br><a href="">This is a link</a><br><img src="">', title: 'Html content'});