Chart.js on the server in Node.js 8.x.x or later
Based on previous work by
With a few improvements we think:
- Uses the newer
9.x.x11.x.x version of JSDOM - Does not pollute node's global namespace
Note that we strongly advise against trying to "execute scripts" by mashing together the jsdom and Node global environments (e.g. by doing global.window = dom.window), and then executing scripts or test code inside the Node global environment. Instead, you should treat jsdom like you would a browser, and run all scripts and tests that need access to a DOM inside the jsdom environment, using window.eval or runScripts: "dangerously". This might require, for example, creating a browserify bundle to execute as a <script> element—just like you would in a browser.
node-canvas - a Cairo backed Canvas implementation for NodeJS. See installation wiki
jsdom - a implementation of the WHATWG DOM and HTML standards for use with node.js
You'll need to npm install chart.js
as it is a peer dependancy of node-chartjs. Tested with [email protected]
any later and we have artifacts there are some issues open upstream, we antcipate fixes in 2.8.x*
Also make sure you have installed canvas' dependencies (see installation wiki)
npm install node-chartjs
const Chart = require('node-chartjs')
const chart = new ChartJs(200, 200) // 1000 x 1000 is default
chart.makeChart({ ... })
.then(res => {
.then(_ => {
// file is written
See examples folder for more