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MNIST on Google cloud: launching machine learning as a service

The purpose of this project is to provide a basis on which to stage machine learning services for use at the CMS experiment. It was programmed by Jack Dinsmore in the summer of 2019.

Specifically, this code will launch a gRPC server encoded in on a Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) cluster. You can interface with the server with any of the client programs in this repository.

Description of server and docker files

  • .dockerignore: a list of files to be excluded when creating an image of the repository to be run on the GKE.
  • _COMPILE.BAT: a one-line executable which compiles server-tools.proto. _COMPILE.BAT should be run after modifying server-tools.proto for the changes to take effect. If you run linux, you can simply remove the @echo off command and it should run correctly.
  • Dockerfile: a set of instructions read by docker on how to compile the repository to an image. The RUN commands contain all shell commands that should be run, such as those that install the python modules, and the CMD command actually starts the server on the GKE.
  • a module which contains all of the machine learning aspects of the server. If you wish to use an implementation other than keras, change the neural net structure, or use a model other than MNIST, this would be the file to change. Currently, it runs MNIST with a CNN implementation in keras on the GPU.
  • mnist-cnn.h5: a pretrained checkpoint for MNIST which the server uses for predictions
  • the entrypoint for the server and the file which contains all of the code that interfaces with the client.
  • server_tools_pb2*: files generated by _COMPILE.BAT. They should not be edited; instead, you should edit server-tools.proto and run _COMPILE.BAT again.
  • server-tools.proto: a Java-like file that defines all the data structures used to shuttle data between the server and client over the internet

Description of clients

Please make sure to copy and paste the correct IP of the server into the file IP.txt in order for the client programs to work

  • IP.txt: this file contains the IP address of the server. If you're running the server on your local computer with python, then IP.txt should contain "localhost" or "". Otherwise, copy and paste the endpoint of your GKE server into IP.txt so your client programs know what server to communicate with.
  • this client sends the information encoded in image.bmp to the server and asks it to produce a prediction. It halts execution until it receives an answer.
  • this client sends the information encoded in image.bmp to the server and asks it to produce a prediction. It does not halt execution after sending the data; instead it periodically checks in with the server to see if the prediction has been generated. This comes with a performance loss; time is wasted by asking the server whether the image has been processed yet.
  • this client sends an arbitrary amount of data to the server and gets back a numpy array of predictions. You can specify whether the program should halt execution until it receives the predictions or continue execution, periodically checking in with the server to see if the predictions have been produced by changing the WAIT flag in the code
  • this client measures what fraction of time it takes to process data on the server is spent actually predicting. Ideally it would be zero every time, but it isn't. Some of the major causes of the latency are transmition time, time to convert the data and predictions from bytes to a numpy array, and time to set up threads on the server. We measure this fraction as a function of the number of images sent and whether the client waits for a response or continually checks in with the server to see if the prediction is done.

How to deploy the server

Deploying on your local machine

Simply run, change the text of IP.txt to localhost, and run any client you want.

Deploying on a Google Kubernetes Cluster

Requirements: You must have the gcloud command installed on your system. To do this, you may use (Google's tutorial) on how to install gcloud on your personal computer, or you can use the google cloud shell which you can get by clicking the >_ icon in the upper right corner of the google cloud console. This should have gcloud installed. If you are using the cloud console, you must clone this repository to your system there. 0. Set up a project 1. Search for google cloud, open the link, and click Console in the upper right corner. Click Select a project in the upper left corner and choose HarrisGroup or your own group's project number from the dialog box. If you do not have a project there, request to be added to one by your project supervisor.

  1. Create a Google Cloud Kubernetes Cluster
    1. Open the menu in the upper left corner of the Google Cloud console and select Kubernetes Engine>Clusters. Then select Create Cluster.
    2. Name the cluster whatever you want and change the region if you wish.
    3. Configure it with as many CPUs as you want. To add GPUs, click Customize in the box with the heading default pool and change the settings there. If you are using the zone us-central1-a, select NVIDIA Tesla V100 as your GPU type; K80s are not offered in this zone.
    4. Click create.
    5. If cluster creation fails and throws a lack of resources error, it is likely that the GPU type you selected is not offered in the region you specified.
  2. Containerize this repository with docker
    1. Clone this repository into your local computer or your google cloud filesystem.
    2. Make any changes to the server or docker files you wish to make. If you do change the files, please read the following section on how to avoid errors as you change the server code.
    3. Run the shell command gcloud builds submit --tag<<<NAME>>> <<<DIR>>> where <<<NAME>>> is a name you pick for the container and <<<DIR>>> is the local directory of your server files: in this case, the place where you cloned the repository. <<<NAME>>> does not have to be the same name as the cluster that you created in the last step.
  3. Deploy the server
    1. Click on the cluster you created in the first step. In the ribbon at the top, click + DEPLOY. Keep Existing Container Image selected and click SELECT to the right of the box beneath. From the menu that pops up, select the container you created in step two; it should show up as <<<NAME>>>.
    2. Click Continue.
    3. Choose a fitting name for your deployment.
    4. Confirm that the name of your cluster is selected in the dropdown menu at the bottom of the page.
    5. Click DEPLOY.
  4. Expose the server (Also called deploying the service)
    1. Click Expose in one of the messages that appears at the top of your deployment if it succeeds. If the message is not there, click ACTIONS in the ribbon at the top and select Expose.
    2. Choose a port of 50051 and click EXPOSE
    3. Copy the IP listed in the External Endpoints field and confirm that the port listed after the IP is 50051. If it is not, redo steps 3 and 4 with a new deployment name.
  5. Run whatever client programs you want
  6. Clean up
    1. Delete the cluster.
    2. Delete the container you built in step 2 with gcloud container images delete<<<NAME>>>.

Rules for changing the server

The server can be fairly freely without affecting the deployment procedure. However, there are a few rules that must be observed to avoid errors in deployment.

  1. If you modify the .proto file, run _COMPILE.BAT.
  2. If you import a model named <<<MODULE>>> that has to be installed with pip, add the command RUN pip install <<<MODULE>>> to Dockerfile.
  3. If you change the name of or change the entrypoint of the server to something else, adjust the last line of Dockerfile to properly reflect the new file name.
  4. If you add files to the repository which are not necessary for running the server, exclude them from the docker image by adding them to .dockerignore (This step might not cause errors; I have always followed it for form's sake and I don't know if it's necessary)
  5. Do not change the _pb2 python files. Change the .proto file instead.

Error debugging

Even when the server and clients run perfectly on localhost, sometimes deployment to the GKE fails. The causes of some very common errors are listed below.

Deployment errors

Deployment errors are listed at the top of the deployment page

  • Unschedulable: this error can occur in deployments when Dockerfile has a typo in it, especially the CMD line. Sometimes it also happens if your cluster was set up incorrectly, so deleting and recreating your cluster may resolve the problem if you're sure Dockerfile is correct.
  • Does not have minimum availability: this is a placeholder error. It occurs when your cluster runs out of storage, but it also occurs in situations that have nothing to do with storage. For example, if your server has a bug in it, the pods will throw CrashLoopBackOff and your deployment will throw Does not have minimum availability. So check your pod logs for tracebacks before changing the storage size on your cluster.
  • Insufficient cpu: another placeholder error. This error often accompanies Unschedulable, and once again, the problem often has nothing to do with the amount of processing power available.
  • Deployment Failed: this can happen for many reasons, but it can happen if you are trying to run too many services on one cluster, so there are no available pods. I believe you may only run one service per pod. To remove the error, delete some of the other services (and possibly deployments) on the cluster and redeploy. The error can also happen if you give your deployment the name already occupied by another deployment.

Pod errors

Pod errors are listed next to the pod name on the deployment page.

  • CrashLoopBackOff: this error occurs in pods when the server cannot be initialized. To read the error, click on one of the pods which shows the CrashLoopBackOff error, go to the Logs page, and click on Container Logs. The traceback should be there.

Runtime errors

Sometimes the server simply will not respond to client requests. In this case, it may have crashed. To read the error message, open your service page (the one with the IP "endpoint" on it), click on one of the pods in the Serving pods table at the bottom, open the Logs page of the pod, click on Container Logs, and read the traceback if there is one. If you click on a pod and you are led to a page which says "Resource not found," try a different pod.

After you correct the error, repeat steps 2 and above from the "Deploying on a Google Kubernetes Cluster" section in this readme.


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