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Juan Antonio Castillo edited this page Feb 28, 2022 · 4 revisions

The library comes with a comprehensible set of demo applications that show you how to use its different features and how to use it in different types of applications.

The demos are located in the Demos folder. When you want to execute a Demo, open it in your Delphi IDE, compile and execute (except dll's, windows, services, and the like).

Each demo consists on a project file (dpr) and one or many pas/dfm files.

There are different folders organized in a category/demo fashion, the available demos are the following (by folder name).


The demos in this section shows you how the library can be integrated in different types of applications.


This demo application shows you how a console application can use the library to log information to a file and print the same information to the console. It relies on the ujachLogAuto unit to automatically setup the logging objects and destinations.

This can be further extended to write to any supported destination, for more information read how to manually setup the logging object and destinations


This demo application shows you how to integrate the library into a FMX Desktop application in Windows to log information to a file. It relies on the ujachLogAuto unit to automatically setup the logging objects and destinations.

This can be further extended to write to any supported destination, for more information read how to manually setup the logging object and destinations


This demo application shows you how to integrate the library into a ISAPI dll module running inside Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) web server to log information to a file. It relies on the ujachLogAuto unit to automatically setup the logging objects and destinations.

This can be further extended to write to any supported destination, for more information read how to manually setup the logging object and destinations


This demo application shows you how to integrate the library into a VCL Desktop application to log information to a file. It relies on the ujachLogAuto unit to automatically setup the logging objects and destinations.

This can be further extended to write to any supported destination, for more information read how to manually setup the logging object and destinations


This demo application shows you how to integrate the library into a Windows Service application to log information to a file. It relies on the ujachLogAuto unit to automatically setup the logging objects and destinations.

This can be further extended to write to any supported destination, for more information read how to manually setup the logging object and destinations.

To see this demo in action, you have to do the following:

  • Compile the demo for Win32 or Win64 platform

  • Run cmd.exe in elevated mode (as Administrator), go to the compiled exe folder and run the command jachLogServiceDemo /install. This will install the service on the machine.

    Installing the service

  • The default folder for the log is C:\ProgramData\log, open the jachLogService.log file to see its contents.

  • Go to the service manager, locate the jachLogDemo service and start, stop, pause and resume it, take a look at the log file after each action. While running, the service will log informational messages periodically to that file. Let the service run for a long time if you want to see the log rotation in action.

    Start, stop, pause and resume service

  • To uninstall the service, make sure the service is stopped and on the elevated command session and same folder, run the command jachLogServiceDemo /uninstall. Take a look at the log file.


The demos in this section shows you the different features of the library. Take a look at the source code and the output of each one to learn how to use them and how they works.





