vmec2stl.py takes a vmec file (the standard specification file for the geometry of a stellator, as input to the vmec code) and writes the points to a .scad file which can be opened with e.g. OpenSCAD (https://openscad.org/downloads.html); and then can be converted to an e.g. .stl file to be 3D printed. Adjust nPointsRadial and nPointsToroidal for how high resolution you want; change the filename; etc (no commandline arguments, just manually edit the script for simplicity)
For vmec file explanation + the example used in this repo, see https://princetonuniversity.github.io/STELLOPT/VMEC
There are also functions for making the Princeton Dee, the type of toroidal magnetic field coil used in most tokamaks to minimize the amount of stress on the coils, see http://www.jaschwartz.net/journal/princeton-dee.html