Course materials for a DHI Domain Services course.
The sample application is orchestrating a MIKE 1D model execution workflow and displays the simulation results in a web application. The sample application utilizes cloud infrastructure services from Microsoft Azure (PostrgreSQL) as well as the DHI Cloud Platform (time series storage).
During a course, the Authorization Server and the Web API can be accessed from here:
Authorization Server - Swagger UI
The public signing key for the Authorization Server is:
To set up the sample application to run on you own machine, you have to configure and run the following four services:
The Authorization Server is configured with a PostgreSQL database. You have to create an environment variable called "CoursePostgreSqlConnectionString" with the connection string.
Furthermore, the Authorization Server uses a pair of RSA signing keys for generation and validation of JWT access tokens. You need to generate and store these RSA keys as environment variables as described in the documentation.
NOTE: It requires a restart to enable new environment variables.
To build and run the Authorization Server in AuthorizationServer.sln, use the BuildAndRun.bat file.
The web API is configured with a PostgreSQL database. You have to create an environment variable called "PostgreSqlConnectionString" with the connection string.
NOTE: It requires a restart to enable new environment variables.
To build and run the Web API in WebApi.sln, use the BuildAndRun.bat file.
Publish the Job Orchestrator in JobOrchestratorWinService.sln by running Publish.bat.
From the publish folder, run Install.bat to install the Job Orchestrator as a Windows Service.
NOTE: Remember to force administrator privileges.
Once installed, the Job Orchestrator is managed (start/stop) through the standard Windows Services application:
NOTE: The Job Orchestator cannot be successfully started before the Authorization Server and the Web Server is running.
The Job Orchestrator is configured to log to the JobOrchestratorWinService.log file:
Your own machine will be acting as the job host. The sample application is configured to execute DHI Workflows using the Workflow Host package.
Publish the WorkflowHostWinService project in Workflows.sln by running Publish.bat.
From the publish folder, run Install.bat to install the Workflow Host as a Windows Service.
NOTE: Remember to force administrator privileges.
Once installed, the Workflow Host is managed (start/stop) through the standard Windows Services application (see above).
To be able to execute the RunMIKE1DModel workflow, you need to have MIKE+ installed and configured with a valid license.
Open the Swagger UI of the Web API on this URL:
Execute the workflow like shown below: