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Hotel Management API

This repository contains the Hotel Management API, a robust and scalable solution for managing hotel operations. The project is structured using a layered architecture, promoting modularity, maintainability, and testability.

API and Frontend Access

  • Swagger API Documentation: Access the API documentation here.
  • Next.js Frontend: Access the frontend hosted in Azure here.

Table of Contents

X-Road Protocol Implementation

The API has been enhanced with X-Road protocol support, which includes the following features:

  • Request Header Validation: The X-Road-Client header is checked for presence in incoming requests. If missing, a BadRequest response is returned. This is implemented in the XRoadHeaderFilter class.

    • Relevant Code: XRoadHeaderFilter.cs (startLine: 10, endLine: 18)
  • Response Headers: The API adds several X-Road specific headers to the response:

    • X-Road-Service: Indicates the service being accessed, configured via the XRoadServiceAttribute.
    • X-Road-Id: A unique identifier for the request.
    • X-Road-Request-Hash: A hash of the request for integrity verification.
    • Relevant Code: XRoadHeaderFilter.cs (startLine: 20, endLine: 35)
  • Centralized Error Handling: Custom exceptions like BadRequestException and NotFoundException are used to handle errors gracefully. The XRoadExceptionFilter ensures that errors are returned with a consistent structure, including an X-Road-Error header.

    • Relevant Code: XRoadExceptionFilter.cs (startLine: 10, endLine: 43), BadRequestException.cs (startLine: 1, endLine: 6), NotFoundException.cs (startLine: 1, endLine: 6)
  • Endpoint-Specific Configuration: The XRoadServiceAttribute allows for endpoint-specific configuration, specifying the service details for each API endpoint.

    • Relevant Code: XRoadServiceAttribute.cs (startLine: 1, endLine: 12)
  • API Controllers: The logic for handling X-Road headers and errors is integrated into the API controllers, ensuring that all endpoints comply with the X-Road protocol.

    • Relevant Code: BookingsController.cs, HotelsController.cs, RoomsController.cs, AccountController.cs, ClientsController.cs

Seeded Users

The application comes with pre-configured users for testing purposes:

When registering a new user through the application, the user will be created with regular user privileges.

Project Structure

The project is organized into several key layers:

Base Layer

This layer contains reusable components and infrastructure shared across the application.

  • Base.Contracts: Defines core interfaces like IBaseEntityRepository<TEntity, TKey> for generic repository operations and IBaseUnitOfWork for the Unit of Work pattern.
  • Base.DAL: Implements base data access logic with BaseEntityRepository<TKey, TDomainEntity, TDalEntity, TDbContext> and BaseUnitOfWork<TDbContext>.
  • Base.BLL: Implements base business logic services with BaseEntityService<TBllEntity, TDalEntity, TRepository, TKey>.
  • Base.Domain: Contains base domain entity classes such as EntityId<TKey> and AuditableEntity<TKey>.
  • Base.Helpers: Contains helper classes for common tasks, including JWT token handling.
  • Base.Resources: Contains resource files for localization.

App Layer

This layer contains the specific business logic and data access for the hotel management application.

  • App.Contracts.DAL: Defines application-specific interfaces extending the base interfaces.
  • App.DAL.EF: Implements the application's data access layer using Entity Framework Core.
  • App.BLL: Implements the application's business logic services.
  • App.Domain: Contains the application's domain models.
  • App.DTO: Contains Data Transfer Objects for DAL, BLL, and Public API.

WebApp Layer

This layer contains the ASP.NET Core Web API implementation.

  • Controllers: Contains MVC controllers for testing purposes.
  • ApiControllers: Contains API controllers for handling API requests.
  • Program.cs: The application's entry point, responsible for setting up dependency injection, database configuration, and middleware.


  • App.Test: Contains integration tests for the API controllers.

Getting Started

To get started with the project, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository.
  2. Set up the database and configure the connection string.
  3. Run the application using your preferred IDE or command line.

Database Configuration

The application can be configured to use different database settings as specified in the appsettings.json file:

  • UseInMemoryDatabase: This option allows the application to use an in-memory database for testing purposes. Set "UseInMemoryDatabase": true under the "Testing" section to enable this feature.

  • Database Type: You can choose whether the application runs on an in-memory database or a real database by setting "UseInMemory": true or "UseInMemory": false under the "Database" section.

  • Connection Strings: The application uses PostgreSQL databases by default. The connection strings are defined under the "ConnectionStrings" section:

    • DefaultConnection: Used for the main application database.
    • TestConnection: Used for testing purposes.
  • Data Initialization Options: The "DataInit" section provides options for database initialization:

    • DropDatabase: If set to true, the database will be dropped and recreated.
    • MigrateDatabase: If set to true, the database will be migrated to the latest version.
    • SeedIdentity: If set to true, identity data (such as users) will be seeded.õ
    • SeedData: If set to true, additional data will be seeded into the database.

Setting Up PostgreSQL in Docker

You can use the provided docker-compose.yaml file to quickly set up a PostgreSQL database for the application. Ensure you have Docker and Docker Compose installed, then run the following command in the root directory of the project:

docker-compose up -d

This command will start a PostgreSQL container with the necessary configuration. The database will be accessible on port 5446. To stop the database, use:

docker-compose down

Docker Guide

For details on building and pushing Docker images, refer to the Dockerfile and


Contributions are welcome! Please fork the repository and submit a pull request for any enhancements or bug fixes.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.

Useful commands in .net console CLI

Install/update tooling

dotnet tool update -g dotnet-ef
dotnet tool update -g dotnet-aspnet-codegenerator

EF Core migrations

Run from solution folder

dotnet ef migrations --project App.DAL.EF --startup-project WebApp add First-Db
dotnet ef database   --project App.DAL.EF --startup-project WebApp update
dotnet ef database   --project App.DAL.EF --startup-project WebApp drop

MVC controllers

These controllers are generated for quick testing of the data model.

Install from nuget:

  • Microsoft.VisualStudio.Web.CodeGeneration.Design
  • Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer

Run from WebApp folder!

dotnet aspnet-codegenerator controller -name HotelsController   -actions -m  App.Domain.Hotel       -dc AppDbContext -outDir Controllers --useDefaultLayout --useAsyncActions --referenceScriptLibraries -f

dotnet aspnet-codegenerator controller -name RoomsController    -actions -m  App.Domain.Room        -dc AppDbContext -outDir Controllers --useDefaultLayout --useAsyncActions --referenceScriptLibraries -f

dotnet aspnet-codegenerator controller -name BookingsController  -actions -m  App.Domain.Booking     -dc AppDbContext -outDir Controllers --useDefaultLayout --useAsyncActions --referenceScriptLibraries -f

Api controllers

dotnet aspnet-codegenerator controller -name HotelsController    -m  App.Domain.Hotel       -dc AppDbContext -outDir ApiControllers -api --useAsyncActions -f

dotnet aspnet-codegenerator controller -name RoomsController     -m  App.Domain.Room        -dc AppDbContext -outDir ApiControllers -api --useAsyncActions -f

dotnet aspnet-codegenerator controller -name BookingsController  -m  App.Domain.Booking     -dc AppDbContext -outDir ApiControllers -api --useAsyncActions -f

Generate Identity UI

dotnet aspnet-codegenerator identity -dc AppDbContext --userClass App.Domain.Identity.AppUser -f


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