This is WIP and quite wrong! Don't rely on this.
Defining common terms in the Solid world
the term “document” has become heavily overloaded within Solid, because the boundaries of a document capture more aspects than just the data within.
A 'new' semantic-web-like architecture.
An execution/implemention of PDS.
Community Solid Server.
Not to be confused with CSS.
Used to host a PDS?
In the context of the GDPR:
Can have different meanings in different communities.
Does not mean it belongs to a single person! (My birthday is also relevant for my mother. And it will be saved/storedhandled by different systems/organizations, e.g. the hospital and the gouvernment.)
Difficult and confusing legal stuff. TLDR: You can not control your data?
PDS can mean either Personal Data Space, Personal Data Store or Personal Data System.
The single-user, personal data space. Stored somewhere (> Store). Forms a system (> System).
It is personal data space, and not personal data space.
The physical storage solution (CSS?) to save, write and a access the data from.
The ecosystem that exists with the Personal Data Spaces at its core.
There are horizontal (across Personal Data Spaces) and vertical spaces (across organizations, gouvernments, ...)
Alternative names for PDS?
The ID that identifies a (natural?) person in the PDS world.