To run this application locally run npm i && npm run dev
in the root directory.
The app is available on port 3000, and the API runs on port 4000.
Running npm run dev
runs both, to run them independently use npm run client
and/or npm run server
To view payments:
GET /api/v1/payments
To add payment:
POST /api/v1/payments
with body containing description, amount, and person, e.g.
"description": "books",
"amount": 55,
"person": "Jamie"
To delete payment:
DELETE /api/v1/payment/:id
To view history:
GET /api/v1/history
Many things...
- Add Storybook for components?
- Cache-ing
- Add payments form
- Select history by month
- Select payments by month
- Nicer UI because ew
- Logging
- Remove some code duplication, e.g. in MainContext
- Edit payments
- Automatically show total for month and add to /history db
- ... TBC