Hello. This is my personal game engine Project.I have been working on this project since august 2020. Crash Engine is written in C++ using OpenGL libraries. Engine is based on on the first episodes of The Cherno's Hazel Engine series. Crash engine is using libraries:
Use git clone --recursive https://github.com/izzynab/CrashEngine
to clone this repository.If the repository was cloned non-recursively previously, use git submodule update --init
to clone the necessary submodules.
Generate projects and solution using GenerateProjects.bat file.
When rebuild you probably must copy assimp.lib from folder "CrashEngine\vendor\assimp\bin\Debug-windows-x86_64\Assimp\assimpllibhere" to "CrashEngine\vendor\assimp\bin\Debug-windows-x86_64\Assimp"
- pbr pipeline
- cubemaps
- deffered rendering
- Bloom
- Directional Light
- Manipulation Gizmo
- Scene Serialization
Content browser
optimized assets loader(each asset should be loaded to engine once and other things)
improve loading times(khronos forum site)
good hierarchy/components system
Instanced rendering
Atmospheric Scattering
Point lights with deffered rendering
god rays
mouse picking objects from scene
terrain generator
- C# scripts
- Runtime
- Animation
- Particle System
- Physics engine
- Audio engine
- Port to DX12