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Object Model (sample)

colesmj edited this page Oct 6, 2019 · 4 revisions

When looking at an object for threat modeling and architectural modeling, it is important to keep in mind the object's characteristics and functions.

Note: I'm including this information for discussion purposes, and considering that while the core focus of this project may be to do "just threat modeling", with simple architectures and diagrams, the technology could be built in such a way as to describe arbitrary objects (architectural units), diagram them, diagram their connections to other objects, and to assess their state individually or as connected units.

This section details a description language for systems, which can be used to perform analysis for purposes such as finding security weaknesses. Systems are described in terms of Nodes (process, object, or entity), Edges (channel or path), and Data (abstract objects).

  • Nodes are themselves sub-systems and can be subjects for refinement.
  • The parent system is a Node
  • Nodes operate on, generate, or connect to Data, and may also open communication channels (Edges) as a listener, or client, or both, to other Nodes
  • Nodes have properties and metadata which provide useful information about the construction, operation, and ownership of a subsystem.
  • Data are themselves Nodes; reading or writing data requires an Edge
  • Descriptions may be recursive and self-referential
Source Relationship Target Meaning
System contains



A System is a type of Node that can contain other Systems (as sub-systems, or to define relationships between Systems) Systems can contain Nodes
Node contains Node Nodes can contain Nodes
Node connects_to Port Nodes (as initiator) can communicate to Ports
Node exposes Port Nodes can expose Ports (as target)
Node calls Node Nodes communicate more directly (exe calling a library, for example)
Node reads Data  
Node writes Data  
Edge connects Node; Port Edges connect 2 Nodes, or a Node to a Port, or 2 Ports (and their containing Nodes), and describe the path between them
Edge transports Data Data Edges transport Data (object reference)
Subject Attribute Prefix Attribute Qualifiers Meaning
Node is.type   Node is of any type (default: unknown)
  .embedded Node is an embedded process (non- desktop, mobile, or cloud)
  .cloud Node is any cloud component
  .cloud.SaaS Cloud - Software as a Service
  .cloud.IaaS Cloud - Infrastructure as a Service
  .cloud.PaaS Cloud - Platform as a Service
  .mobile Mobile - platform independent or generic, or unknown
  .mobile.ios Mobile - iOS target Mobile - Android target Mobile - Windows CE or Mobile target
  .containerized Containerized system - Docker or other container subtype
  .singleton Process - singleton
  .driver Process - device driver
  .kernel_object Process - kernel module
  .firmware Process - embedded firmware
  .hardware Hardware device
  .protected Process - protected memory module
  .os Operating System (default: unknown or any) Operating System - Windows
  .os.linux Operating System - Linux
  .os.mac_os Operating System - Mac OS
  .os.bsd Operating System - BSD (any) Operating System - Android
  .os.ios Operating System - iOS
  .os.rtos Operating System - Any real-time OS
Node sourced_from .unknown Node is sourced from some unknown entity
  .internal Custom development by Company
  .open_source Sourced from an open source project or under an open source license
  .commercial Sourced from a commercial vendor or under a commercial license
  .gov Sourced from a government entity
Node protected_method .unknown Process integrity protected by unknown method
  .none Process integrity unprotected
  .signed Process or module signed by single key
  .signed.cross Process or module signed by a cross-cert
  .signed.dual Process or module signed multiple times
  .encrypted Process or module encrypted
Node delivered_as .source Module delivered in source form
  .binary Module delivered packaged in an unspecified format
  .binary.msi Module packaged as MSI
  .binary.rpm Module packaged as RPM
  .binary.apk Module packaged as APK
  .binary.deb Module packaged as DEB
  .binary.ipk Module packaged as IPKG or OPKG
  .archive Module packaged as an archive (default: any)
  .archive.jar Module packaged as JAR
  .archive.war Module packaged as WAR
  .archive.ear Module packaged as EAR Module packaged as CAB Module packaged as zip
Node uses.source   Module built from source (default: any)
  .c Module built from source code written in C
  .cpp Module built from source code written in C++
  .c# Module built from source code written in C#
  .java Module built from source code written in Java
  .js Module built from source code written in JavaScript
  .python Module built from source code written in Python
  .python.2 Module built from source code written in Python 2.x
  .python.3 Module built from source code written in Python 3.x
  .perl Module built from source code written in Perl
  .kotlin Module built from source code written in Kotlin
  .swift Module built from source code written in Swift
  .objective_c Module built from source code written in Objective-C
  .objective_cpp Module built from source code written in Objective-C++
  .dalvik Module built from source code written in Android Java
  .html Module built from source code written in HTML
  .html5 Module built from source code written in HTML5
  .xml Module built from source code written in XML or XPath
  .go Module built from source code written in Go
Node .cryptography Module uses cryptography for any purpose
  .cryptography.hashing Module uses hashing (SHA, MD, etc)
  .cryptography.hashing.hmac Module uses HMACs
  .cryptography.symmetric_enc Module uses symmetric encryption
  .cryptography.asymmetric_enc Module uses asymmetric encryption
  .cryptography.dig_sig Module performs or verifies digital signatures
  .cryptography.pgp_gpg Module uses PGP, GPG, or equivalent technologies
  .identity Module uses any method for identity and authentication
  .identity.pki Module uses public/private key pairs as part of identity decisions
  .identity.x509 Module uses x509 certificates for any purpose
  .identity.shared_secret Module uses pre-shared secrets for identity
  .identity.kerberos Module uses Kerberos for identity and authentication
  .identity.oauth Module uses OAuth for identity and authentication
  .identity.saml Module uses SAML for identity and authentication
  .identity.openid Module uses OpenID for identity and authentication
  .secure_boot Module performs or relies on Secure Boot (or Trusted Boot, Verified Boot, etc)
Node requires .assurance Unit requires any type of assurance for any reason Unit requires security assurance
  .assurance.fail_safe Unit must be fail safe Unit must be safe or is part of a functionally safe system
  .assurance.privacy Unit must maintain privacy
  .assurance.thread_safe Unit must be thread safe
  .privileges.root Process is expected or must run as root or other elevated privileged user
  .privileges.setuid Process can execute as temporarily privileged (e.g. to open restricted ports)
  .privileges.sudo Process is expected to support temporary user granted elevation of privileges
  .privileges.user Process is expected or must run as a standard non-privileged user
Source Relationship Target Meaning
requires .security Port requires security capabilities of any type
  .security.authentication Port requires authentication to access (e.g. challenge-response, mutual TLS, etc)
  .security.process_control Port is expected to be controlled for access externally (e.g. by firewall rules)
  .security.physical Port is expected to be physically secured from access (e.g. tamper seals)
protected.method   Port protected by unspecified security requirements
  .authentication Port is protected by authentication to access (e.g. challenge-response, mutual TLS, etc)
  .access_control Port is protected by control for access externally (e.g. by firewall rules)
  .physical Port is protected by physical security from access (e.g. tamper seals)
Port protocol   Edge represents connectivity over an unknown channel or method
  .physical Connectivity is over an undefined embedded (physical) channel or method
  .physical.i2c Connectivity is over i2c
  .physical.spi Connectivity is over SPI
  .physical.jtag Connectivity is over JTAG
  .physical.usb Connectivity is over USB
  .physical.infiniband Connectivity is over Infiniband
  .physical.memory Connectivity is through shared memory
  .network Connectivity is over any network type
  .network.tcp Connectivity is over any TCP network
  .network.tls Connectivity is over the TLS protocol (1.2 or newer)
  .network.ssl Connectivity is over the SSL or legacy TLS protocols (any SSL, or TLS 1.0 or 1.1)
  .network.ipv4 Connectivity is over a generic IPv4 link
  .network.ipv6 Connectivity is over a generic IPv6 link
  .network.ipsec Connectivity is over an IPSec or VPN link
  .network.mutual_tls Connectivity is over a Mutual TLS channel
  .network.dtls Connectivity is over DTLS
  .network.udp Connectivity is over a generic UDP link
  .network.usb Connectivity is over a USB-based network
  .network.ipc Connectivity is over IPC sockets (local) or named pipes Connectivity is over Bluetooth
  .network.ble Connectivity is over Bluetooth Low Energy
  .file Connectivity is file based (any)
  .file.nfs File based connectivity - NFS
  .file.webdav File based connectivity - WebDav
  .file.encryptfs File based connectivity - encryptfs
  .file.ext4 File based connectivity - ext4
  .file.ntfs File based connectivity - NTFS
  .file.luks File based connectivity - LUKS
Source Relationship Target Meaning
Data encoding .none Data is raw bits
  .markup Data is encoded in an undefined format
  .markup.sgml Data is encoded as SGML
  .markup.yaml Data is encoded as YAML
  .markup.xml Data is encoded as XML
  .markup.json Data is encoded as JSON
  .markup.protobuf Data is encoded as Protobuf Data is encoded as Properties (name:value pairs)
  .serialized Data is serialization output from any language
Data protected_by .none Data is un-protected at rest or in transit
  .encrypted Data is protected by encryption (e.g. AES or PKI)
  .dig_sig Data is protected by a digital signature (e.g. XML-DSIG, PGP, etc)
  .crc Data is protected by a CRC
Data requires .security Data is sensitive and requires security assurance
  .security.none Data is non-sensitive or requires no security assurance
  .security.confidentiality Data is sensitive and requires confidentiality
  .security.integrity Data is sensitive and requires integrity
  .security.availability Data is sensitive and requires availability
  .privacy Data is sensitive and requires privacy
Data is_type   Data is of an unknown or undefined type
  .internal_only Data is expected to be internal to Company
  .user Data is customer facing but not user defined
  .user.pii Data is user PII
  .user.phi Data is user PHI
  .user.pci Data is user financial data
  .user.voice Data is user voice data
  .user_defined Data is generated or defined by a user
  .security_sensitive Data is arbitrary security sensitive data
  .ip.internal Data is internal or company confidential intellectual property
  .ip.3rd_party Data is 3rd party intellectual property
Source Relationship Target Meaning
Edge persistence   The channel persistence and reliability characteristics are unknown
transports DATA Data (object reference) flows over this channel
anchors NODE; PORT This channel connects Node A (object reference) to Node B (object reference)
Source Relationship Target Qualifiers Meaning
Node metadata name   A name for the Node
  label   A label for the Node, for diagramming and reference
  namespace   Referential labels for grouping
  created_by   Who designed, implemented, or delivered the Node
  sourced_from Internal-TeamName; Vendor-Name The source of the Node is an internal team (name) or a vendor (name)
  source_repo_ref   Source repository for this Node
  scan_project   Code analysis project, if applicable
  version   Version string
  codename   Codename for this Node, if applicable
  sku   SKU for Node (containing or top level Nodes only)
  part_type   Type of device or component (containing or top level Nodes only)
  description   Free-form text description of the Node - what it is, what it does, etc
  notes   Free-form notes for additional information

Any; Unknown; Sample-1; Sample-2; Sample-3; Internal;

Customer Support

  • Unspecified market as target for Node
  • Unknown market target
  • Sample market 1
  • Sample market 2
  • Sample market 3
  • Node is expected to be consumed by internal teams only
  • Node is for customer support and maintenance use only
Edge metadata name   A name for the Edge
  label   A label for the Edge, for diagramming and reference
Port metadata name   A name for the Port
  label   A label for the Port, for diagramming and reference
  port None; Unknown; Variable; PORT_NUMBER The physical or logical port assignment
  protocol ANY; API; Other The protocol associated with this Port
  service_name   A common service name exposed by Port
Data metadata name   A name for this Data
  label   A label for this Data, for diagramming and reference