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This repository is an extension based on Volo Abp


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This repository is an extension based on Volo Abp(

Automatically add entities to the DbContext Model

  1. As normal, create your Entity class in the Domain layer

  2. Add the Amos.Abp.EntityFrameworkCore Nuget package to your EntityFrameworkCore layer

  3. Using AutoAddEntityToModelAttribute tag your DbContext interface

    public interface IYourDbContext : IEfCoreDbContext
  4. Call the AutoAddEntityTypeToModel method in your DbContext class (Note: Call it before base.OnModelCreating)

    public class YourDbContext : AbpDbContext<YourDbContext>, IYourDbContext
        public YourDbContext(DbContextOptions<YourDbContext> options): base(options)
        protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder builder)
            builder.AutoAddEntityTypeToModel(this);//Note: Call it before base.OnModelCreating
  5. Follow Volo abp modular best practices, configure the automatically add entities in your ModuleDbContextModelCreatingExtensions

    public static class YourModuleDbContextModelCreatingExtensions
        public static void ConfigureYourModule(
            this ModelBuilder builder,
            Action<YourModuleModelBuilderConfigurationOptions> optionsAction = null)
            Check.NotNull(builder, nameof(builder));
            var options = new YourModuleModelBuilderConfigurationOptions(
            builder.ConfigureAutoAddEntityTypes<IYourDbContext>((entityType) => (b) =>
                b.ToTable(options.TablePrefix + entityType.Name, options.Schema);

    You are advised to configure the index, Key, etc., by implementing the EfCore IEntityTypeConfiguration interface, at your EntityFrameworkCore layer

    public class ProductConfiguration : IEntityTypeConfiguration<Product>
        public void Configure(EntityTypeBuilder<Product> builder)
            builder.HasIndex(h => h.Name).HasFilter("IsDeleted=0").IsUnique();

    Then by calling the builder.ApplyConfigurationsFromAssembly(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()) configuration entity, just like the example above

  6. Register automatically add entities repository and DependsOn in your EntityFrameworkCoreModule, use AddAbpDbContextEx instead of AddAbpDbContext

    public class YourEntityFrameworkCoreModule : AbpModule
        public override void ConfigureServices(ServiceConfigurationContext context)
            context.Services.AddAbpDbContextEx<OrderManagementDbContext>(options =>{});
  7. Finally, as normal, you can inject automatically add entity repository to use

    public class YourAppService : IYourAppService
        private readonly Lazy<IRepository<XXEntity, long>> _xxRepositoryLazy;
        public YourAppService(Lazy<IRepository<XXEntity, long>> xxRepositoryLazy)
            _xxRepositoryLazy = xxRepositoryLazy;

Temp Table

  • What is an SQL Temp Table (
  • At present, only SQL Server Temp Table is implemented. If you use other database provider, you can expand the database support by implementing ITempTableCreator, ITempTableBulkExecutor interfaces
  1. Add the Amos.Abp.Domain Nuget package to your Domain layer
  2. Create TempTable class in the Domain layer
    public class YourTempTable : ITempTable
        public int Id { get; set; }
  3. Define a temp table repository interface in the Domain layer
    public interface IYourTempTableRepository : ITempTableRepository
  4. Add the Amos.Abp.TempTable.SqlServer Nuget package to your EntityFrameworkCore layer
  5. Using AutoAddTempTableToModelAttribute tag your DbContext interface
    public interface IYourDbContext : IEfCoreDbContext
  6. Call the AutoAddTempTableToModel method in your DbContext class (Note: Call it before base.OnModelCreating)
    public class YourDbContext : AbpDbContext<YourDbContext>, IYourDbContext
        public YourDbContext(DbContextOptions<YourDbContext> options): base(options)
        protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder builder)
            builder.AutoAddTempTableToModel(this);//Note: Call it before base.OnModelCreating
  7. Implement temp table repository in the EntityFrameworkCore layer
    public class YourTempTableRepository : EfCoreTempTableRepository<YourDbContext,IYourDbContext>, IYourTempTableRepository, ITransientDependency
        public YourTempTableRepository(IDbContextProvider<IYourDbContext> dbContextProvider) 
            : base(dbContextProvider)
  8. Add DependsOn to your EntityFrameworkCoreModule
    public class YourEntityFrameworkCoreModule : AbpModule
  9. Finally, you can inject temp table repository to use
    public class YourAppService : IYourAppService
        private readonly Lazy<IYourTempTableRepository> _yourTempTableRepositoryLazy;
        private readonly Lazy<IRepository<XXEntity, long>> _xxRepositoryLazy;
        public YourAppService(Lazy<IYourTempTableRepository> yourTempTableRepositoryLazy,Lazy<IRepository<XXEntity, long>> xxRepositoryLazy)
            _yourTempTableRepositoryLazy = yourTempTableRepositoryLazy;
        public async Task TestAsync()
            var tempDatas = new List<YourTempTable> { new YourTempTable { Id = 1 }, new YourTempTable { Id = 2 } };
            var tempQuery = await _yourTempTableRepositoryLazy.Value.InsertIntoTempTableAsync(tempDatas);
            var query = await _xxRepositoryLazy.Value.GetQueryableAsync();
            var tempWhereQuery = query.Where(w => tempQuery.Any(a => a.Id == w.Id));
            var tempWhereResult = await _xxRepositoryLazy.Value.AsyncExecuter.ToListAsync(tempWhereQuery);

Sql Script

  • This feature is used to perform high-performance database operations using native sql
  • Centralized management of sql scripts
  • Easily supports multiple different database provider(MySql, SqlServer, Oracle, etc. please see the Volo.Abp.EntityFrameworkCore.EfCoreDatabaseProvider), Reduce the impact of different database provider sql syntax differences
  • Based on EFCore, Dapper makes almost no disruptive adjustments to the original configuration
  1. Add the Amos.Abp.Domain Nuget package to your Domain layer
  2. Define a sql script repository interface in the Domain layer
    public interface IYourSqlScriptRepository : ISqlScriptRepository
  3. Add the Amos.Abp.SqlScript Nuget package to your EntityFrameworkCore layer
  4. Create sql script resource file in the EntityFrameworkCore layer (Similar to defining multilingual resource files, Please refer to the screenshot below)
    Alt text
    • Create a SqlScript folder, and define an sql script resource empty class in this folder

      public class YourSqlScriptResource
    • Create a folder with the same name as the sql script resource empty class (eg: create a folder name OrderManagement for OrderManagementSqlScriptResource)

    • Create sql script xml file for your database provider, and set it as an embedded resource Alt text

      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
      <SqlScripts Namespace="OrderManagement" DatabaseProvider="SqlServer" >
          <Item Key="SelectProductById">select * from Order where Id=@Id</Item>
          <Item Key="SoftDeleteProductById">update Order set IsDelete=1 where Id=@Id</Item>
          <Item Key="SelectDynamicTableById">select * from {{table}} where Id=@Id</Item>
          <Item Key="TestMultiline">
              select * from Order where Id=@Id;
              select * from OrderItems


      1. [Namespace] and [DatabaseProvider] are correctly filled in the xml
      2. The handling of SQL string placeholder parameters (not query parameters) uses the Scriban( library. Please pay attention to the parameter settings.
    • Configure SqlScriptOptions and add DependsOn in your EntityFrameworkCoreModule

      public class YourEntityFrameworkCoreModule : AbpModule
          public override void ConfigureServices(ServiceConfigurationContext context)
              Configure<SqlScriptOptions>(options =>
                  options.AddResource("YourDefinedSqlScriptNamespace", typeof(YourSqlScriptResource));

      Note: [YourDefinedSqlScriptNamespace] is same as xml file [Namespace]

  5. Implement sql script repository in the EntityFrameworkCore layer
    public class YourSqlScriptRepository : SqlScriptRepository<YourDbContext,IYourDbContext>, IYourSqlScriptRepository, ITransientDependency
        public YourSqlScriptRepository(IDbContextProvider<IProductManagementDbContext> dbContextProvider, ISqlScriptProvider sqlScriptProvider) 
            : base(dbContextProvider, sqlScriptProvider)
  6. Finally, you can inject temp table repository to use
    public class YourAppService : IYourAppService
        private readonly Lazy<IYourSqlScriptRepository> _yourSqlScriptRepositoryLazy;
        public YourAppService(Lazy<IYourSqlScriptRepository> yourSqlScriptRepositoryLazy)
            _yourSqlScriptRepositoryLazy = yourSqlScriptRepositoryLazy;
        public async Task TestAsync()
            var ds = await _yourSqlScriptRepositoryLazy.Value.QueryAsDataSetAsync("OrderManagement:TestMultiline", sqlParam: new { Id = 1 });
            var dt = await _yourSqlScriptRepositoryLazy.Value
            .QueryAsDataTableAsync("OrderManagement:SelectDynamicTableById",new { table= "Order" }, new { Id = 1 });        
    Note: sql scirpt depends on the database provider you set in DbContext (Get database provider : ((EfCoreDatabaseProvider)dbContext.Model["_Abp_DatabaseProvider"], if your DbContext setting uses SqlServer, sql scirpt in SqlServer.xml will be used, if your DbContext setting uses MySql, sql scirpt in MySql.xml will be used)


This repository is an extension based on Volo Abp








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