- JS
- GraphQL for API
- After update file, kindly build again in order page update latest especially html files and image
- You need to use your own STRATZ_TOKEN from https://stratz.com/api (it's free for dev) in config.js or your project env which named STRATZ_TOKEN
Here we are going to use API from https://stratz.com/dashboard
- Project setup
- images folder
- query folder
- heroes query
- src folder
- index.js we need this type as module in order could import other js module
- styles.css
- HTML Structure
- filter bar
- heroes list
- CSS styleling
- filter bar
- heroes list
- JS
- constants
- config
- graphql fun
- init state
- dom list
- main()
- filter bar
- heroes list
- Preview/Deploy
- images folder
- query folder
- hero query
- roles query
- src
- index_card.js
- HTML structure
- CSS style
- JS
- [] Constatns
- [] config
- graphql fun
- init state
- Dom list
- main()
- Flip card
- Hero primary attr
- Hero base
- Hero attack type
- Hero abilities
- Hero video/image updated!! the video now playable
- Hero complexity
- Hero mp/hp
- Hero name
- Hero roles
- Hero info
- images folder
- query folder
- abilities query file
- src
- index_card.js
-[x] refractor the ablities list to show only normal ablities, scepter/shard ablities will hidde and show on the modal
- talent tooltip
- abilities tooltip
- scepter/shard tooltip
- index_card.js
-[x] refractor the ablities list to show only normal ablities, scepter/shard ablities will hidde and show on the modal
- HTML structure
- Show talent icon
- talent tooltip html
- abilities tooltip
- scepter/shard tooltip
- style
- talent tooltip
- abilities tooltip
- scepter/shard tooltip