Simple key-value storage. Implemented for experimental and educational purposes.
The simplest (but not fastest for the first time ) way to build application from sources is to execute commands:
cd <path_to_kvdb>/docker docker-compose run build_all
To do this, You only will need installed docker daemon and docker-compose on your machine. You can download latest versions following by this links:
Code was tested with Docker version 20.10.7 and docker-compose version 1.29.2 on Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS
Required packets:
- g++
- libboost-system1.71-dev
- libboost-program-options1.71-dev
- libboost-log1.71-dev
- cmake
Build from sources:
cd <path_to_kvdb> ./
Build script will create directory <path_to_kvdb>/build and store all build artifacts in there
Executable file of server is kvdb_server. It accetpt next arguments:
- --port= optional, default value is 1524 specifies port to accept connections on. Server will start listen on address localhost:
- --file= optional, default value is ./ specifies path to memory mapped file where server will store it's data. One can specify not existing file - server will create new one.
Example of command:
./kvdb_server --port=5001 --file=./
Execution command format:
named arguments:
- --hostname= required accepts address or name of remote KVDB server
- --port= optional, default value is 1524 port number of KVDB server to connect to
positional argument (command):
Command can consist of 2 to 3 separate strings:
- Command name. Possible values are: INSERT, UPDATE, GET, DELETE
- Key string placed in double qutes: "Some key"
- Value string placed in double quotes: "Some value"
Note: Key and value strings MUST NOT contain \0 symbol. Otherwise, it will cause wrong behaviour in string serialization-deserialization and, therefore string data corruption.
INSERT and UPDATE command accepts both Key and Value arguments, GET and UPDATE commands only accepts Key argument
./kvdb_cli --hostname=localhost --port=5001 INSERT "Some Key" "Some Value" ./kvdb_cli --hostname=localhost --port=5001 UPDATE "Some Key" "Some Other Value" ./kvdb_cli --hostname=localhost --port=5001 GET "Some Key" ./kvdb_cli --hostname=localhost --port=5001 DELETE "Some Key"
To run KVDB server using docker launch next commands:
cd <path_to_kvdb>/docker docker-compose up -d server
This command will run kvdb_server in docker environment and detach terminal from this process. Server will listening on localhost:5001
There are integration test available in file <path_to_kvdb>/ This is simple python script performing next scenario:
- launching kvdb_server in docker
- creating number of key:value records in map
- restarting server
- checking that all previously created records are still contained by DB
- deleting all previously created values