By default uses Snappy compression, please checkout for more information.
docker run -e ZOOKEEPER_QUORUM=zookeeper.service.consul:2181 -e SECOR_S3_BUCKET=test-bucket sagent/secor
Can be configured using environment variables:
Variable Name | Configuration Option |
DEBUG | Enable some debug logging (default false ) |
ZOOKEEPER_QUORUM | Zookeeper quorum (required) |
AWS_ACCESS_KEY | AWS Access key (required) |
AWS_SECRET_KEY | AWS Secret access key (required) |
SECOR_S3_BUCKET | Target S3 bucket (required) |
KAFKA_SEED_BROKER_HOST | Kafka broker hosts (not required?) |
SECOR_MAX_FILE_BYTES | Max bytes per file (default 200000000 ) |
SECOR_MAX_FILE_SECONDS | Max time per file (default 3600 ) |
SECOR_KAFKA_TOPIC_FILTER | Regexp filter which topics it should replicate (default .* ) |
SECOR_MESSAGE_PARSER | Which message parser to use (default OffsetMessageParser ) |
SECOR_TIMESTAMP_NAME | When using DateMessageParser what field to use in the JSON (default timestamp ) |
SECOR_TIMESTAMP_SEPARATOR | Separator for defining SECOR_TIMESTAMP_NAME in a nested structure (e.g. JSON) |
SECOR_TIMESTAMP_PATTERN | When using DateMessageParser what format the timestamp is (default timestamp ) |
SECOR_WRITER_FACTORY | What WriterFactory to use (default SequenceFileReaderWriterFactory ) |
SECOR_GROUP | Name that is used for S3 path and as Kafka consumer name. (default secor_backup ) |
Secor can create two consumer groups:
- Backup consumer group
- Partition consumer group
The Backup consumer group will persist all messages to S3 as they are received by Kafka.
The Partition consumer group persists messages according to a timestamp field (this can be specified with the SECOR_TIMESTAMP_NAME
environment variable). This consumer group makes it easier for S3 data to be ingested by tools such as Apache Hive or Presto.
Files get stored in S3 according to the following pattern for the backup consumer group:
s3://<bucket>/<backup consumer name>/<topic>/<offset>/<secor version>_<kafka_partition>_<first_message_offset>.seq
And stored like this for the partition consumer group:
s3://<bucket>/<partition consumer name>/<topic>/<date>/<secor version>_<kafka_partition>_<first_message_offset>.seq
The files get stored as Hadoop SequenceFiles and thus have to be decoded with a library that can handle these files.
For more information about Secor's design please see: