Once added, you only need to run the setup command once.
Format: /clerky-addvoicegroup categoryname channelname maxusers maxchannels adjustablesize
Example: /clerky-addvoicegroup Studying "Study Group" 4 10 false
- This will make a "Study Group" voice channel in the existing "Studying" category. Each voice channel will have a maximum of 4 users. A maximum of 10 voice channels will be created.
Format: /clerky-listvoicegroups
This will list all voice groups for your server.
Format: /clerky-removevoicegroups id
Example: /clerky-removevoicegroups 12353839
- This will remove the voice group with the ID 12353839
. IDs can be found vice the listvoicegroups
Format: /clerky-size size
Example: /clerky-size 6
- Increase or decrease the user limit of the voice channel to 6. This command must be run by a user connected to that voice channel, and must be sent in the voice-text channel of that channel. This change is only made to the specific voice channels and does not affect others within the group.
Note: When clerky creates a voice channel, it will attempt to sync the voice channel permissions with the category permissions. If clerky does not have a specific permission (e.g video), it will not be able to sync that permission.
• Manage Channels - For creating/removing voice channels
• Manage Roles - Required because Clerky syncs channel permissions to the parent category
• View Channels - Channel visibility
• Send Messages - Sending command response messages
• Read Message history - Reading command messages