A Python script that extracts System Activity data from the last 10 minutes, formats the data as Audit Logs, and exports the logs to Cloud Logging. The data formatting/mapping is best effort. See data mapping below.
NOTE: You can schedule this script to run every 10 minutes using a cron job or equivalent to continually create and export logs.
- Looker Instance in which you have Admin or
permission - Google Cloud Project with Cloud Logging API enabled
- pyenv installed
Create Looker API credentials and set the below environment variables
export LOOKERSDK_BASE_URL="<Your API URL>" export LOOKERSDK_CLIENT_ID="<Your Client ID>" export LOOKERSDK_CLIENT_SECRET="<Your Client Secret>"
Create and configure a service account to write log entries to Cloud Logging and download the keys
export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS="<Service Account Key Path>"
Clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/itodotimothy6/extract-looker-logs.git cd extract-looker-logs/
Setup python virtual environment
pyenv install 3.8.2 pyenv local 3.8.2 python -m venv .venv source .venv/bin/activate
Install dependencies
pip install looker-sdk pip install google-cloud-logging
python main.py
These steps will use Cloud Functions to pull the Looker logs every 10 minutes using a Cloud Scheduler Job. Looker's API credentials are stored in Cloud Secret Manager
Enable APIs required:
- Cloud Functions
- Cloud Scheduler
- Pub/Sub
- Secret manager
Grant IAM permissions to the account used by Cloud functions. By default, Cloud Functions use App engine Default Service Account: @appspot.gserviceaccount.com Assign IAM roles:
- Secret Manager Secret Accessor
- Logging Admin
Set helper env variables:
export PROJECT_ID=<GCP Project ID>
export REGION=<Region>
export LOCATION=<location> # Example: us-central1
export LOOKER_LOGS_TOPIC=<Topic name>
- Create Pub/Sub topic
gcloud pubsub topics create ${LOOKER_LOGS_TOPIC}
- Create Cloud Scheduler to run every 10 mins (Cron job)
gcloud scheduler jobs create pubsub Looker-collector-job --schedule="*/10 * * * *" --topic=${LOOKER_LOGS_TOPIC} --message-body="Pulling logs" --location=${LOCATION}
- Store Looker's API credentials on Secrets manager
gcloud secrets create "looker_client_id" \
--replication-policy "automatic" \
--data-file - <<< ${LOOKERSDK_CLIENT_ID}
gcloud secrets create "looker_client_secret" \
--replication-policy "automatic" \
--data-file - <<< ${LOOKERSDK_CLIENT_SECRET}
- Create Cloud function
- Clone this repository to a local path:
git clone https://github.com/itodotimothy6/extract-looker-logs.git
cd extract-looker-logs
- Create the Cloud Function with source as the local path:
gcloud functions deploy looker_logs_collector \
--region=${REGION} \
--no-allow-unauthenticated \
--ingress-settings=internal-and-gclb \
--runtime=python39 \
--trigger-topic=${LOOKER_LOGS_TOPIC} \
--set-env-vars=LOOKERSDK_BASE_URL=https://cloudcenatt.cloud.looker.com \
--set-secrets="LOOKERSDK_CLIENT_ID=looker_client_id:latest" \
--set-secrets="LOOKERSDK_CLIENT_SECRET=looker_client_secret:latest" \
--source=. \
NOTE: Step 8 is optional. It is used to create the Cloud Function sourced from Google Source Repository mirrored from Github instead of using the local path
- Create Cloud Function sourced from Google Source Repository
Follow instructions to mirror repository: https://cloud.google.com/source-repositories/docs/mirroring-a-github-repository
Create env variables:
export FUNCTION_REPOSITORY=github_elpeme_extract-looker-logs
export BRANCH=WIP-cloud-functions
export REPO_SOURCE=https://source.developers.google.com/projects/${PROJECT_ID}/repos/${FUNCTION_REPOSITORY}/moveable-aliases/${BRANCH}/paths//
- Create cloud function
gcloud functions deploy looker_logs_collector \
--region=${REGION} \
--no-allow-unauthenticated \
--ingress-settings=internal-and-gclb \
--runtime=python39 \
--trigger-topic=${LOOKER_LOGS_TOPIC} \
--set-env-vars=LOOKERSDK_BASE_URL=https://cloudcenatt.cloud.looker.com \
--set-secrets="LOOKERSDK_CLIENT_ID=looker_client_id:latest" \
--set-secrets="LOOKERSDK_CLIENT_SECRET=looker_client_secret:latest" \
--entry-point=looker_collector_main \
--source=${REPO_SOURCE} \
GCP Audit Log Field | Looker System Actvity Field or Value |
logName | looker_system_activity_logs |
timestamp | event.created |
resource.type | looker_system_activity_logs |
insertId | event.id |
protoPayload.status |
event.attribute.status |
protoPayload.authenticationInfo |
event.user_id, event.sudo_user_id |
protoPayload.authorizationInfo |
permission_set.permissions |
protoPayload.methodName |
event.name |
protoPayload.response |
event_attributes |