Generate APP (list pages) bottom up from (graphql) entities
Past due by over 3 years
33% complete
codegen workflow:
- graphql server with enabled introspection is a MUST HAVE (we will use Hasura instance)
- run introspection query to get entities and fields (query response types are interesting - we need to filter out also aggregated queries, then we need to filter also select by PK which does not return an array of entities)
- choose entities with fields …
codegen workflow:
- graphql server with enabled introspection is a MUST HAVE (we will use Hasura instance)
- run introspection query to get entities and fields (query response types are interesting - we need to filter out also aggregated queries, then we need to filter also select by PK which does not return an array of entities)
- choose entities with fields from introspection query (user can choose entities / fields from introspection query otherwise all entities with all fields without relations will be chosen automatically)
- confirm if rewrite (even better patch) generated files
- generate queries (*.graphql files) for list page for chosen entities / fields (TODO fragments are important)
- run graphql-codegen for queries (*.graphql files) that generates src/generated typescript types (for each query and it's fragments)
- generate list page (material-ui/grommet data table) from query response (more precisely typescript types in introspection format)