All URIs are relative to
Method | HTTP request | Description |
ProductChangeNotifications | GET /Products/{DigiKeyPartNumber} | This returns all change notifications for the given DigiKey product. |
PcnResponse ProductChangeNotifications (string digiKeyPartNumber, string authorization, string xDIGIKEYClientId, string includes = null, string xDIGIKEYLocaleSite = null, string xDIGIKEYLocaleLanguage = null, string xDIGIKEYLocaleCurrency = null, string xDIGIKEYLocaleShipToCountry = null)
This returns all change notifications for the given DigiKey product.
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using DigiKey.Api.Api;
using DigiKey.Api.Client;
using DigiKey.Api.Model;
namespace Example
public class ProductChangeNotificationsExample
public void main()
// Configure API key authorization: apiKeySecurity
Configuration.Default.AddApiKey("X-DIGIKEY-Client-Id", "YOUR_API_KEY");
// Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
// Configuration.Default.AddApiKeyPrefix("X-DIGIKEY-Client-Id", "Bearer");
// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: oauth2AccessCodeSecurity
Configuration.Default.AccessToken = "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN";
var apiInstance = new PcnApi();
var digiKeyPartNumber = digiKeyPartNumber_example; // string | The product to retrieve change notifications for.
var authorization = authorization_example; // string | OAuth Bearer Token. Please see<a href= \"\" target= \"_blank\" > OAuth 2.0 Documentation </a > page for more info.
var xDIGIKEYClientId = xDIGIKEYClientId_example; // string | The Client Id for your App.
var includes = includes_example; // string | Comma separated list of fields to return. Used to customize response to reduce bandwidth by selecting fields that you wish to receive. For example: \"ProductChangeNotifications\\[2\\](PcnType,PcnDescription)\" (optional)
var xDIGIKEYLocaleSite = xDIGIKEYLocaleSite_example; // string | Two letter code for Digi-Key product website to search on. Different countries sites have different part restrictions, supported languages, and currencies. Acceptable values include: US, CA, JP, UK, DE, AT, BE, DK, FI, GR, IE, IT, LU, NL, NO, PT, ES, KR, HK, SG, CN, TW, AU, FR, IN, NZ, SE, MX, CH, IL, PL, SK, SI, LV, LT, EE, CZ, HU, BG, MY, ZA, RO, TH, PH. (optional)
var xDIGIKEYLocaleLanguage = xDIGIKEYLocaleLanguage_example; // string | Two letter code for language to search on. Langauge must be supported by the selected site. If searching on keyword, this language is used to find matches. Acceptable values include: en, ja, de, fr, ko, zhs, zht, it, es, he, nl, sv, pl, fi, da, no. (optional)
var xDIGIKEYLocaleCurrency = xDIGIKEYLocaleCurrency_example; // string | Three letter code for Currency to return part pricing for. Currency must be supported by the selected site. Acceptable values include: USD, CAD, JPY, GBP, EUR, HKD, SGD, TWD, KRW, AUD, NZD, INR, DKK, NOK, SEK, ILS, CNY, PLN, CHF, CZK, HUF, RON, ZAR, MYR, THB, PHP. (optional)
var xDIGIKEYLocaleShipToCountry = xDIGIKEYLocaleShipToCountry_example; // string | ISO code for country to ship to. (optional)
// This returns all change notifications for the given DigiKey product.
PcnResponse result = apiInstance.ProductChangeNotifications(digiKeyPartNumber, authorization, xDIGIKEYClientId, includes, xDIGIKEYLocaleSite, xDIGIKEYLocaleLanguage, xDIGIKEYLocaleCurrency, xDIGIKEYLocaleShipToCountry);
catch (Exception e)
Debug.Print("Exception when calling PcnApi.ProductChangeNotifications: " + e.Message );
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
digiKeyPartNumber | string | The product to retrieve change notifications for. | |
authorization | string | OAuth Bearer Token. Please see<a href= "\" target= "_blank" > OAuth 2.0 Documentation </a > page for more info. | |
xDIGIKEYClientId | string | The Client Id for your App. | |
includes | string | Comma separated list of fields to return. Used to customize response to reduce bandwidth by selecting fields that you wish to receive. For example: "ProductChangeNotifications\2\" | [optional] |
xDIGIKEYLocaleSite | string | Two letter code for Digi-Key product website to search on. Different countries sites have different part restrictions, supported languages, and currencies. Acceptable values include: US, CA, JP, UK, DE, AT, BE, DK, FI, GR, IE, IT, LU, NL, NO, PT, ES, KR, HK, SG, CN, TW, AU, FR, IN, NZ, SE, MX, CH, IL, PL, SK, SI, LV, LT, EE, CZ, HU, BG, MY, ZA, RO, TH, PH. | [optional] |
xDIGIKEYLocaleLanguage | string | Two letter code for language to search on. Langauge must be supported by the selected site. If searching on keyword, this language is used to find matches. Acceptable values include: en, ja, de, fr, ko, zhs, zht, it, es, he, nl, sv, pl, fi, da, no. | [optional] |
xDIGIKEYLocaleCurrency | string | Three letter code for Currency to return part pricing for. Currency must be supported by the selected site. Acceptable values include: USD, CAD, JPY, GBP, EUR, HKD, SGD, TWD, KRW, AUD, NZD, INR, DKK, NOK, SEK, ILS, CNY, PLN, CHF, CZK, HUF, RON, ZAR, MYR, THB, PHP. | [optional] |
xDIGIKEYLocaleShipToCountry | string | ISO code for country to ship to. | [optional] |
apiKeySecurity, oauth2AccessCodeSecurity
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
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