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All URIs are relative to

Method HTTP request Description
ProductChangeNotifications GET /Products/{DigiKeyPartNumber} This returns all change notifications for the given DigiKey product.


PcnResponse ProductChangeNotifications (string digiKeyPartNumber, string authorization, string xDIGIKEYClientId, string includes = null, string xDIGIKEYLocaleSite = null, string xDIGIKEYLocaleLanguage = null, string xDIGIKEYLocaleCurrency = null, string xDIGIKEYLocaleShipToCountry = null)

This returns all change notifications for the given DigiKey product.


using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using DigiKey.Api.Api;
using DigiKey.Api.Client;
using DigiKey.Api.Model;

namespace Example
    public class ProductChangeNotificationsExample
        public void main()
            // Configure API key authorization: apiKeySecurity
            Configuration.Default.AddApiKey("X-DIGIKEY-Client-Id", "YOUR_API_KEY");
            // Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
            // Configuration.Default.AddApiKeyPrefix("X-DIGIKEY-Client-Id", "Bearer");
            // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: oauth2AccessCodeSecurity
            Configuration.Default.AccessToken = "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN";

            var apiInstance = new PcnApi();
            var digiKeyPartNumber = digiKeyPartNumber_example;  // string | The product to retrieve change notifications for.
            var authorization = authorization_example;  // string | OAuth Bearer Token. Please see<a href= \"\" target= \"_blank\" > OAuth 2.0 Documentation </a > page for more info.
            var xDIGIKEYClientId = xDIGIKEYClientId_example;  // string | The Client Id for your App.
            var includes = includes_example;  // string | Comma separated list of fields to return. Used to customize response to reduce bandwidth by selecting fields that you wish to receive. For example: \"ProductChangeNotifications\\[2\\](PcnType,PcnDescription)\" (optional) 
            var xDIGIKEYLocaleSite = xDIGIKEYLocaleSite_example;  // string | Two letter code for Digi-Key product website to search on. Different countries sites have different part restrictions, supported languages, and currencies. Acceptable values include: US, CA, JP, UK, DE, AT, BE, DK, FI, GR, IE, IT, LU, NL, NO, PT, ES, KR, HK, SG, CN, TW, AU, FR, IN, NZ, SE, MX, CH, IL, PL, SK, SI, LV, LT, EE, CZ, HU, BG, MY, ZA, RO, TH, PH. (optional) 
            var xDIGIKEYLocaleLanguage = xDIGIKEYLocaleLanguage_example;  // string | Two letter code for language to search on. Langauge must be supported by the selected site. If searching on keyword, this language is used to find matches. Acceptable values include: en, ja, de, fr, ko, zhs, zht, it, es, he, nl, sv, pl, fi, da, no. (optional) 
            var xDIGIKEYLocaleCurrency = xDIGIKEYLocaleCurrency_example;  // string | Three letter code for Currency to return part pricing for. Currency must be supported by the selected site. Acceptable values include: USD, CAD, JPY, GBP, EUR, HKD, SGD, TWD, KRW, AUD, NZD, INR, DKK, NOK, SEK, ILS, CNY, PLN, CHF, CZK, HUF, RON, ZAR, MYR, THB, PHP. (optional) 
            var xDIGIKEYLocaleShipToCountry = xDIGIKEYLocaleShipToCountry_example;  // string | ISO code for country to ship to. (optional) 

                // This returns all change notifications for the given DigiKey product.
                PcnResponse result = apiInstance.ProductChangeNotifications(digiKeyPartNumber, authorization, xDIGIKEYClientId, includes, xDIGIKEYLocaleSite, xDIGIKEYLocaleLanguage, xDIGIKEYLocaleCurrency, xDIGIKEYLocaleShipToCountry);
            catch (Exception e)
                Debug.Print("Exception when calling PcnApi.ProductChangeNotifications: " + e.Message );


Name Type Description Notes
digiKeyPartNumber string The product to retrieve change notifications for.
authorization string OAuth Bearer Token. Please see<a href= &quot;\" target= &quot;_blank&quot; > OAuth 2.0 Documentation </a > page for more info.
xDIGIKEYClientId string The Client Id for your App.
includes string Comma separated list of fields to return. Used to customize response to reduce bandwidth by selecting fields that you wish to receive. For example: &quot;ProductChangeNotifications\2\&quot; [optional]
xDIGIKEYLocaleSite string Two letter code for Digi-Key product website to search on. Different countries sites have different part restrictions, supported languages, and currencies. Acceptable values include: US, CA, JP, UK, DE, AT, BE, DK, FI, GR, IE, IT, LU, NL, NO, PT, ES, KR, HK, SG, CN, TW, AU, FR, IN, NZ, SE, MX, CH, IL, PL, SK, SI, LV, LT, EE, CZ, HU, BG, MY, ZA, RO, TH, PH. [optional]
xDIGIKEYLocaleLanguage string Two letter code for language to search on. Langauge must be supported by the selected site. If searching on keyword, this language is used to find matches. Acceptable values include: en, ja, de, fr, ko, zhs, zht, it, es, he, nl, sv, pl, fi, da, no. [optional]
xDIGIKEYLocaleCurrency string Three letter code for Currency to return part pricing for. Currency must be supported by the selected site. Acceptable values include: USD, CAD, JPY, GBP, EUR, HKD, SGD, TWD, KRW, AUD, NZD, INR, DKK, NOK, SEK, ILS, CNY, PLN, CHF, CZK, HUF, RON, ZAR, MYR, THB, PHP. [optional]
xDIGIKEYLocaleShipToCountry string ISO code for country to ship to. [optional]

Return type



apiKeySecurity, oauth2AccessCodeSecurity

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

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