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const wafAutomations = new WafSecurityAutomations(this, 'waf-security-automations', {
    stackName: 'waf-security-automations',
    accessLogBucket: myLogBucket,
    options: {
        // See below

// Can now use the following:
wafAutomations.webAclName  // string, the name of the created webAcl, will match stackName due to implementation of the cfn template
wafAutomations.webAclArn  // string, arn of the created webAcl, pass this to a Cloudfront distribution
wafAutomations.webAclId   // string
wafAutomations.webAclDescription  // string

This creates a WAFv2 WebACL named matching the stackName.


All are optional

Attribute Default Description
templateVersion 'v3.1.0' See releases.
activateSqlInjectionProtection true Enables the component designed to block common SQL injection attacks
activateCrossSiteScriptingProtection true Enables the component designed to block common XSS attacks
activateHttpFloodProtection true Enables the component designed to block HTTP flood attacks
httpFloodProtectionMethod 'waf' Alternatives: 'lambda' or 'athena'
activateScannersProbesProtection true Enables the component designed to block scanners and probes
scannersProbesProtectionMethod 'lambda' Alternative: 'athena'
activateReputationListsProtection true Enable to block requests from IP addresses on third-party reputation lists (supported lists: spamhaus, torproject, and emergingthreats).
activateBadBotProtection true Enables the component designed to block bad bots and content scrapers
endpointType 'cloudfront' Select the type of resource being used, alternative: 'alb' (Note, see #14)
errorThresholdPerMinute 50 If activateScannersProbesProtection is enabled, enter the maximum acceptable bad requests per minute per IP.
requestThresholdPerFiveMinutes 100 If activateHttpFloodProtection is enabled, enter the maximum acceptable requests per FIVE-minute period per IP address. >=100 if using WAF, >0 if Lambda or Athena.
wafBlockPeriodMinutes 240 If activateScannersProbesProtection or activateHttpFloodProtection is enabled, enter the period (in minutes) to block applicable IP addresses.
keepDataInOriginalS3Location false By default log files will be moved from their original location to a partitioned folder structure in s3. Set to true to copy instead.


Releasing a new version


$ npm version (patch|minor|major)
$ git push origin main [tag you just created]