This repository contains the PolyScope X SDK and URSim artefacts and is accessible via GitHub Codespace.
This repository is designed to enable users to quickly and easily develop and test URCaps for PolyScope X. All versions of the SDK and URSim available here can also be found on the primary release site in the PolyScope X Beta Project.
The release provided here is offered "AS IS", if you would like to be more involved and provide feedback, please sign up for the PolyScope X Beta Project. You can also connect with other developers by joining the Universal Robots Discord server.
Note You can install URCaps from local storage via the system manager in URSim. However, due to Codespace transfer restrictions, there is a limit to the size of URCaps that can be installed this way. When building and installing URCaps from Codespace there are no size restrictions. For more details see "Build and Deploy URCap" section below.
This SDK is subject to and governed by our “LICENSE TERMS FOR SDKS”, which can be found in the license file and here: . By accessing, storing, copying, sharing, opening, or otherwise using or disposing of this file, you accept and acknowledge that you are bound by the “LICENSE TERMS FOR SDKS”.
It is highly recommended to treat the samples folder as read-only, because rebuilding the Codespace container will remove and recreate this folder. To preserve changes to samples, simply copy the modified URCap sample to a location outside the samples folder and push it to your git repository.
Open the code drop down, and select the Codespaces tab. You can then choose to create a Codespace on master (or any other repository).
A new tab will open, and the Codespace will start loading up. You will see a web version of VSCode. It can take a couple of minutes to set up a remote connection, and build the Codespace. You will know that the workspace has been built successfully when you see the postRunCommands being executed, as shown below.
After you do this, you can access this cloud workspace here. Any changes to your space become a fork from this repository.
It is possible to start the simulator by running the command ./run-simulator
However, you must manually forward the port being used in order to successfully run the application.
This is also how you will access the URSim GUI.
You will have the option to forward a port here. By default, the simulator is launched on port 80. Enter "80" into the port number field and press enter.
You can now open the dynamically generated link to view and use URSim.
Note: you can change the URSim port by using the port flag:
./run-simulator --port <PORT_NUMBER>
You will need to manually forward the port number you choose, with the steps listed above
Note: Codespace has a default timeout of 30 minutes, after which you'll need to forward the ports again. You can read more about changing the timeout here.
To use the SDK, open a new terminal.
The contents of the SDK are:
- urcap-generator/ - Contains the URCap generator for creating URCap contributions.
- samples/ - Contains URCap samples. Build using: npm install && npm run build
- - The script for creating a URCap contribution in your current working directory using the generator
- run-simulator - The script for running URSim. This is a linked file. The full URSim directory can be found at the
You can now create a new URCap by running the shell script.
Once a new URCap contribution has been created using the script, a folder named after its ID is created.
To create the final zip file for a contribution, go to its folder and run the following commands:
Install the node modules.
npm install
Generate the URCap file in the target directory.
npm run build
Deploy to URSim (ensure that URSim is running and open).
npm run install-urcap
You should now see the URCap in URSim. For more information, refer to the PolyScope X SDK Official Documentation