An IG focused on supporting multi-tenancy uses of Islandora 8
- Brad Spry (University of North Carolina Charlotte)
- Brandon Weigel (British Columbia Electronic Library Network)
- The name of this Islandora Interest Group is the Islandora Multi-tenancy Interest Group (IMTIG)
- The purpose of the Islandora Multi-tenancy Interest Group is promote multi-tenancy and/or multi-site use cases in Islandora 8.
- Specific goals, activities, and outcomes may include:
- A list of requirements for multi-site support
- A common multi-tenancy use case to guide Islandora 8 development
- Multi-tenancy concerns built into the assumptions that underlie Islandora 8 development going forward
- The interest group will meet:
- The conveners will produce a report to be submitted to the Islandora Roadmap Committee following the IMTIG's meetings.
- Join the #multi-tenancy channel in Islandora Slack (