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Metrics embed

Metrics embed #35

Workflow file for this run

name: Metrics embed
# Schedule daily updates
schedule: [{cron: "0 0 * * *"}]
# (optional) Run workflow manually
# (optional) Run workflow when pushing on master/main
push: {branches: ["master", "main"]}
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
environment: production
contents: write
- uses: lowlighter/[email protected]
base_indepth: yes
# Show `Available for hire!` in header section
base_hireable: yes
base_skip: no
repositories_forks: yes
repositories_affiliations: owner, collaborator, organization_member
# Default skipped repositories
# repositories_skipped: # optional, default is <default-val>
# GitHub Personal Access Token
token: ${{ secrets.METRICS_TOKEN }}
user: ishaan-kapoor
# GitHub repository
# repo: # optional, default is <default-value>
# GitHub Token used to commit metrics
# committer_token: # optional, default is ${{ github.token }}
# Target branch
# committer_branch: # optional, default is <default-value>
# Commit message
# committer_message: # optional, default is <default-value>
# Gist id
# committer_gist: # optional, default is <default-value>
# Output path
# filename: # optional, default is <default-value>
# Markdown template path
# markdown: # optional, default is <default-value>
# Markdown file cache
# markdown_cache: # optional, default is <default-value>
# Output action
# output_action: # optional, default is <default-value>
# Output condition
# output_condition: # optional, default is <default-value>
# Optimization features
# optimize: # optional, default is <default-value>
# Community templates to setup
# setup_community_templates: # optional, default is <default-value>
# Template
# template: # optional, default is <default-value>
# Query parameters
# query: # optional, default is <default-value>
# Extra CSS
# extras_css: # optional, default is <default-value>
# Extra JavaScript
# extras_js: # optional, default is <default-value>
# GitHub REST API endpoint
# github_api_rest: # optional, default is <default-value>
# GitHub GraphQL API endpoint
# github_api_graphql: # optional, default is <default-value>
# Timezone for dates
config_timezone: IST
# Plugin order
# config_order: # optional, default is <default-value>
# Use twemojis
# config_twemoji: # optional, default is <default-value>
# Use GitHub custom emojis
# config_gemoji: # optional, default is <default-value>
# Use GitHub octicons
# config_octicon: # optional, default is <default-value>
# Display width (for image output formats)
# config_display: # optional, default is <default-value>
# Use CSS animations
# config_animations: # optional, default is <default-value>
# Base64-encoded images
# config_base64: # optional, default is <default-value>
# Output padding
# config_padding: # optional, default is <default-value>
# Output format
# config_output: # optional, default is <default-value>
# Configuration presets
# config_presets: # optional, default is
# Retries in case of failures (for rendering)
# retries: # optional, default is <default-value>
# Delay between each retry (in seconds, for rendering)
# retries_delay: # optional, default is <default-value>
# Retries in case of failures (for output action)
# retries_output_action: # optional, default is <default-value>
# Delay between each retry (in seconds, for output action)
# retries_delay_output_action: # optional, default is <default-value>
# Clean previous workflows jobs
# clean_workflows: # optional, default is <default-value>
# Job delay
# delay: # optional, default is <default-value>
# Minimum GitHub REST API requests quota required to run
# quota_required_rest: # optional, default is <default-value>
# Minimum GitHub GraphQL API requests quota required to run
# quota_required_graphql: # optional, default is <default-value>
# Minimum GitHub Search API requests quota required to run
# quota_required_search: # optional, default is <default-value>
# Notice about new releases of metrics
# notice_releases: # optional, default is <default-value>
# Use pre-built docker image from [GitHub container registry](
# use_prebuilt_image: # optional, default is true
# Fatal plugin errors
# plugins_errors_fatal: # optional, default is <default-value>
# Debug mode
# debug: # optional, default is <default-value>
# SVG validity check
# verify: # optional, default is <default-value>
# Debug flags
# debug_flags: # optional, default is <default-value>
# Print output in console
# debug_print: # optional, default is <default-value>
# Dry-run
# dryrun: # optional, default is <default-value>
# Experimental features
# experimental_features: # optional, default is <default-value>
# Use mocked data instead of live APIs
# use_mocked_data: # optional, default is <default-value>
plugin_isocalendar: yes
plugin_isocalendar_duration: full-year
plugin_languages: yes
# plugin_languages_ignored: # optional, default is <default-value>
# plugin_languages_skipped: # optional, default is <default-value>
plugin_languages_limit: 25
# plugin_languages_threshold: # optional, default is <default-value>
plugin_languages_other: no
# plugin_languages_colors: # optional, default is <default-value>
# plugin_languages_aliases: # optional, default is <default-value>
plugin_languages_sections: mostly-used
plugin_languages_details: bytes-size, lines
plugin_languages_indepth: yes
plugin_stargazers: no
# plugin_stargazers_days: # optional, default is <default-value>
# plugin_stargazers_charts: # optional, default is <default-value>
# plugin_stargazers_charts_type: # optional, default is <default-value>
# plugin_stargazers_worldmap: # optional, default is <default-value>
# plugin_stargazers_worldmap_token: # optional, default is <default-value>
# plugin_stargazers_worldmap_sample: # optional, default is <default-value>
plugin_lines: no
# plugin_lines_skipped: # optional, default is <default-value>
# plugin_lines_sections: # optional, default is <default-value>
# plugin_lines_repositories_limit: # optional, default is <default-value>
# plugin_lines_history_limit: # optional, default is <default-value>
# plugin_lines_delay: # optional, default is <default-value>
plugin_topics: no
# plugin_topics_mode: mastered
# plugin_topics_sort: random
# plugin_topics_limit: 20
# plugin_stars: no
# plugin_stars_limit: # optional, default is <default-value>
# plugin_licenses: no
# plugin_licenses_setup: # optional, default is <default-value>
# plugin_licenses_ratio: # optional, default is <default-value>
# plugin_licenses_legal: # optional, default is <default-value>
# plugin_habits: no
# plugin_habits_from: # optional, default is <default-value>
# plugin_habits_skipped: # optional, default is <default-value>
# plugin_habits_days: # optional, default is <default-value>
# plugin_habits_facts: # optional, default is <default-value>
# plugin_habits_charts: # optional, default is <default-value>
# plugin_habits_charts_type: # optional, default is <default-value>
# plugin_habits_trim: # optional, default is <default-value>
# plugin_habits_languages_limit: # optional, default is <default-value>
# plugin_habits_languages_threshold: # optional, default is <default-value>
plugin_contributors: no
# plugin_contributors_base: # optional, default is <default-value>
# plugin_contributors_head: # optional, default is <default-value>
# plugin_contributors_ignored: # optional, default is <default-value>
# plugin_contributors_contributions: # optional, default is <default-value>
# plugin_contributors_sections: # optional, default is <default-value>
# plugin_contributors_categories: # optional, default is <default-value>
plugin_followup: no
# plugin_followup_sections: # optional, default is <default-value>
# plugin_followup_indepth: # optional, default is <default-value>
# plugin_followup_archived: # optional, default is <default-value>
plugin_reactions: no
# plugin_reactions_limit: # optional, default is <default-value>
# plugin_reactions_limit_issues: # optional, default is <default-value>
# plugin_reactions_limit_discussions: # optional, default is <default-value>
# plugin_reactions_limit_discussions_comments: # optional, default is <default-value>
# plugin_reactions_days: # optional, default is <default-value>
# plugin_reactions_display: # optional, default is <default-value>
# plugin_reactions_details: # optional, default is <default-value>
# plugin_reactions_ignored: # optional, default is <default-value>
plugin_people: no
# plugin_people_limit: # optional, default is <default-value>
# plugin_people_identicons: # optional, default is <default-value>
# plugin_people_identicons_hide: # optional, default is <default-value>
# plugin_people_size: # optional, default is <default-value>
# plugin_people_types: # optional, default is <default-value>
# plugin_people_thanks: # optional, default is <default-value>
# plugin_people_sponsors_custom: # optional, default is <default-value>
# plugin_people_shuffle: # optional, default is <default-value>
plugin_sponsorships: no
# plugin_sponsorships_sections: # optional, default is <default-value>
# plugin_sponsorships_size: # optional, default is <default-value>
# plugin_sponsors: # optional, default is <default-value>
# plugin_sponsors_sections: # optional, default is <default-value>
# plugin_sponsors_past: # optional, default is <default-value>
# plugin_sponsors_size: # optional, default is <default-value>
# plugin_sponsors_title: # optional, default is <default-value>
plugin_repositories: no
# plugin_repositories_featured: # optional, default is <default-value>
# plugin_repositories_pinned: # optional, default is <default-value>
# plugin_repositories_starred: # optional, default is <default-value>
# plugin_repositories_random: # optional, default is <default-value>
# plugin_repositories_order: # optional, default is <default-value>
# plugin_repositories_forks: # optional, default is <default-value>
# plugin_repositories_affiliations: # optional, default is <default-value>
plugin_discussions: no
# plugin_discussions_categories: # optional, default is <default-value>
# plugin_discussions_categories_limit: # optional, default is <default-value>
plugin_starlists: no
# plugin_starlists_limit: # optional, default is <default-value>
# plugin_starlists_limit_repositories: # optional, default is <default-value>
# plugin_starlists_languages: # optional, default is <default-value>
# plugin_starlists_limit_languages: # optional, default is <default-value>
# plugin_starlists_languages_ignored: # optional, default is <default-value>
# plugin_starlists_languages_aliases: # optional, default is <default-value>
# plugin_starlists_shuffle_repositories: # optional, default is <default-value>
# plugin_starlists_ignored: # optional, default is <default-value>
# plugin_starlists_only: # optional, default is <default-value>
plugin_calendar: no
# plugin_calendar_limit: 0
plugin_achievements: no
# plugin_achievements_threshold: # optional, default is <default-value>
# plugin_achievements_secrets: # optional, default is <default-value>
# plugin_achievements_display: # optional, default is <default-value>
# plugin_achievements_limit: # optional, default is <default-value>
# plugin_achievements_ignored: # optional, default is <default-value>
# plugin_achievements_only: # optional, default is <default-value>
plugin_notable: no
# plugin_notable_filter: # optional, default is <default-value>
# plugin_notable_skipped: # optional, default is <default-value>
# plugin_notable_from: # optional, default is <default-value>
# plugin_notable_repositories: # optional, default is <default-value>
# plugin_notable_indepth: # optional, default is <default-value>
# plugin_notable_types: # optional, default is <default-value>
# plugin_notable_self: # optional, default is <default-value>
plugin_activity: yes
plugin_activity_limit: 1
# plugin_activity_load: # optional, default is <default-value>
# plugin_activity_days: # optional, default is <default-value>
plugin_activity_visibility: public
# Events timestamps
plugin_activity_timestamps: no
# plugin_activity_skipped: # optional, default is <default-value>
# plugin_activity_ignored: # optional, default is <default-value>
# plugin_activity_filter: # optional, default is <default-value>
plugin_traffic: yes
# plugin_traffic_skipped: # optional, default is <default-value>
plugin_code: no
# plugin_code_lines: # optional, default is <default-value>
# plugin_code_load: # optional, default is <default-value>
# plugin_code_days: # optional, default is <default-value>
# plugin_code_visibility: # optional, default is <default-value>
# plugin_code_skipped: # optional, default is <default-value>
# plugin_code_languages: # optional, default is <default-value>
plugin_gists: no
plugin_projects: no
# plugin_projects_limit: # optional, default is <default-value>
# plugin_projects_repositories: # optional, default is <default-value>
# plugin_projects_descriptions: # optional, default is <default-value>
plugin_introduction: no
# plugin_introduction_title: # optional, default is <default-value>
plugin_wakatime: yes
plugin_wakatime_token: ${{ secrets.WAKATIME_KEY }}
plugin_wakatime_sections: time, projects, projects-graphs, languages, languages-graphs, editors, editors-graphs, os, os-graphs
plugin_wakatime_days: 365
plugin_wakatime_limit: 7
plugin_wakatime_repositories_visibility: all
plugin_leetcode: yes
plugin_leetcode_user: ishaan-kapoor
plugin_leetcode_sections: solved, recent
plugin_leetcode_limit_recent: 1