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Repository files navigation


Release 1

Deadline 16.08 Released 18.08


  • Organization
    • Create, update and delete Organizations
    • Get organizations and spesific organization
    • Only super-users are allowed to create, update and delete organizations
    • All requests can get organizations
  • Admision periode
    • Create, update and delete Admision periodes
    • Get admision periodes and spesific admision periode
    • The admision periode is linked to an organization
    • Only super-users are allowed to create, update and delete admision periodes
    • Al requests can get admision periodes
  • Sections
    • Create, update and delte sections
    • Get section and sections
    • A section is connected to a organization
    • Only super-users are allowed to create, update and delete sections
    • All requests can get sections
  • Team
    • Create, update and delete teams
    • Get teams and teams
    • A team is connected to a section
    • Only super-users are allowed to create, update and delete teams
    • All requests can get teams
  • Positions
    • Create, update and delete positions
    • Get position and positions
    • A position is conencted to an admision periode, section and team
    • Only super-users are allowed to create, update and delete positions
    • All requests can get positions
  • Application
    • Create an application. All created user can register one application
    • The application is connected to an admision periode, applicant (user) and 1 or more teams
    • Update an application. A user can only update their own application
    • Delete an application. A user can only delete their own application
    • Get application. A user can only get their own application
    • Get applications. A superuser can get all applications created.
  • User
    • A user has a email, first name, last name, birthday, groups and assosiated authentication user
    • A user can update their own information, login.
    • Anyone can register a new user
    • There is no way to get all users for superuser yet.
  • Auth user
    • Created when a new user is created
    • Stores a hash of the password and a salt
    • Can't be accessed at the moment


  • Landing page with positions
  • Profile page
  • Login and registration
  • Possible to register application and view my application after the fact

Release 2


  • Get all users
  • Get the user linked to the application


Future improvements


  • Restructure resolvers in backend
  • Refresh token
  • Edit password
  • Clean error messages and error handeling
  • Authorization groups with different priviledges0
  • Authorization groups linked to sections and teams
  • Section leaders should be able to add users as a member and thus se applications


  • Edit profile information
  • Edit application
  • Edit password